LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 13th, 2009 @ 9:34PM (15 years ago)

I teach my kids very well. They are active in various community outreach programs as am I and my wife. The point is is the we do sacrafice and do what we can. 2 jobs and doing less with more. My post is in regards to those who feel we (the police) do not sacrafice enough for what we get or have. I am tired of those of you who will post here putting us down for our take home cars or anything else telling us we should sacrafice more. Until you do my job and live in my shoes, supporting 7 in a family you have nothing to say about how I live or what my sacrafices should be. My kids do look at goodwill for clothing and don't have the latest in clothing or footware. They never had and never will. Infact 2 of my boys cut grass once a week (3 to 4 hours worth) for a business to earn some money for "extra" things. Don't go telling me how I raise my children or what my values are.