LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 20th, 2009 @ 8:02PM (15 years ago)

I think they covered their a$$es by leaving out the ETHNICALLY diverse, and just putting in diverse.

I wish someone would be appalled that someone thinks its better what color MOST of the kids are at her school, than what parents have to do as far as after school care.

I never knew a black kid until I was in the 9th grade. Didnt know any at all, not even in grade school sports through other schools, and yet magically, I am somehow not a racist. Somehow, not knowing anyone from another race growing up didnt manifest itself as hatred for non-whites.

Thats the key to this, it doesnt matter what color children are at a school, if their parents are racist the children will still be brought up racist.