I completely understand your seniments. And, I am sorry that again one of us has been injured trying to keep society from completely imploding. Always be careful out there and protect each other...All we have is each other anyway. However, Keep OL' BOBBLEHEAD away from me. I would be ******** if I found out my platoon, Sgt., or family let the goon in to "see me" in an effort to seem caring. This career politician is anything but caring as is dictated by his continous lack of commitment to negotiations,
I completely understand your seniments. And, I am sorry that again one of us has been injured trying to keep society from completely imploding. Always be careful out there and protect each other...All we have is each other anyway. However, Keep OL' BOBBLEHEAD away from me. I would be ******** if I found out my platoon, Sgt., or family let the goon in to "see me" in an effort to seem caring. This career politician is anything but caring as is dictated by his continous lack of commitment to negotiations,