LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Task force to focus on violent crimes.

Western Louisville gang activity cited.


RE: Task force to focus on violent crimes.

May 15th, 2009 @ 10:49PM (15 years ago)

Are you serious? When you (truckers) cause the accidents it's not heroic to pull the person out! If you had been doing the speed limit, or not tailgating, or not hopped up on meth you would'nt have to "save" them.

RE: Task force to focus on violent crimes.

May 17th, 2009 @ 12:05PM (15 years ago)

First of all most police officers do not want any recognition for a heroic act, I know I don't. We do not like to be in any spot light, this is the job we signed up for and we're here to help not to seek recognition. I see that you are playing devils advocate and its simply helarious that you want to act like you despise the police, go ahead its your right but just know it is not going to change the way we do our job. We along with anyone else do not like to f#( ed by their employer and thats what is going on right now with us. Side not _How many Truckers ran into the Towers on 911__???? We do a job that most people can't stomach. There are some of us that pay the ultimate price for our community and it is unfortunate that people like you, if what you say is how you feel, don't appreciate that.

stand together brothers and sisters

RE: Task force to focus on violent crimes.

May 18th, 2009 @ 9:55AM (15 years ago)

These threads are nothing, if not entertaining!