LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police Union Airs Grievances Over Kentucky Derby


RE: Police Union Airs Grievances Over Kentucky Derby

May 6th, 2009 @ 12:44PM (15 years ago)

While I too am pleased that our "Union" has finally done something in response to a vote put forth by it's members months and months ago. I'm still wondering how this amounts to a public relations campaign. It seems to me that this only amounts to a publicity stunt. The flying messages were barely covered by our local media and the response from the mayor's office is a sure sign that we are still not being taken seriously. Just take a look at the latest coverage of officers being portrayed as lazy, unprofessional slobs who brazenly ignore court orders to appear. What did that media blitz get us? More money out of our pockets! This is a fight we cannot win. All I know is that even though I wanted to turn in my car, in good faith I agreed to continue paying for my take home as a sign of solidarity and still do so to this day. With that vote several months in the past and no clear sign of a resolution in sight, I feel that the only result will be that most officers that were initially adamant about turning in thier cars have been desensitized to the additional fees and when the outcome is finally revealed, the majority will think to themselves, "Well, I've been paying for it this long, I might as well go ahead and keep it.". The bottom line is that the administration is not behind us, the media is not behind us, the public is not behind us. It's a sad fact that once again, the cheese stands alone.