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3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in gunbattles

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3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in...

March 22nd, 2009 @ 1:48PM (16 years ago)

Showers of prayers headed your way, guys. Remember, Sgt. Dunakin, Sgt. Romans and Sgt. Salkai are just fine now, concentrate on Officer Hege and the families of the three murdered officers. And on each other ....

3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in...

March 22nd, 2009 @ 3:11PM (16 years ago)

I will be praying for ALL the families and the officer fighting to stay alive.

There are a few things about this that really anger me. Why did they parole this obvious P.O.S. !!!!!!! That's why a lot of folks don't take our court sys. seriously - we do our job, but the courts do whatever they want to. It's out of our hands. We deal with the same people day in and day out. You can literally LIVE in court - and accomplish nothing. This P.O.S. in Oakland had no problems obtaining pistols and rifles. Honest people are the only ones affected by the liberal's gun laws, so stop making it harder for the citizen to protect himself/herself with legislative crap. People lingered at the scene of the first shooting. About 20 bystanders taunted police. - If this doesn't anger you - get out of my country.


3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in...

March 22nd, 2009 @ 4:02PM (16 years ago)

It's easy for our liberal judges and justice system to let turds like this out on parole when they don't have to be the ones to go out and risk their a$$ catching these guys again. Thanks alot liberal justice and parole system, you help cost the lives of at least 3 maybe 4 fine men. What a pathetic joke the system is.

3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in...

March 22nd, 2009 @ 4:54PM (16 years ago)

Officer Hege has joined his colleagues patrolling the golden streets.

3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in...

March 23rd, 2009 @ 1:33PM (16 years ago)

I was contemplating a whole story on this issue but you guys beat me to the punch.

First let me express my profound grattitude that even though we have a Mayor that is trying to make our lives miserable and even though we are making less money than we were at this time last year and even though we have a liberal rag that runs a 3 day investigative special on us not going to court yet they leave a corrupt mayor that has bankrupted our cityand wrecked havoc amongst all the employees of metro government, we still do our jobs. This Officer went above and beyond the call of duty to do his job.

When the citizens of Louisville need us, we will be there. When the bad guys commit the crimes we will be there. I don't quite think I should have to be there(in court) when I write a ticket for an exprired tag unless it is going to a jury trial. Face it, despite three days of bashing us, they could not hurt us.

I wonder what the cost increase of everyone showing up for the bs cases has been these past two weeks?

Twice in the last two weeks Officers have been shot at. It seems every day we are facing down armed thugs willing to do vioence opon us. Louisville has gone from weird to crazy in the blink of an eye. Believe me there is a profound difference.

But I digress. This post is suppose to be about a hero that faced armed opponents and overcame the odds. This post is about the rampant increase in violent encounters all accross the country against Law Enforcement Officers. This is about the dedication and comitment that we display by putting ourselves in harms way to protect our community.

Honor, Courage, Service..... all words that we understand and live by.

Paul Schweizer

3 Oakland cops killed, 1 critically injured; parolee slain in...

March 24th, 2009 @ 8:45PM (16 years ago)

Amen Paul, and let's not also for get this week that was the four year aniversary of Peter. RIP Pete!