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Contempt of Court


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Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 11:19AM (15 years ago)

Extremely well put my friend; if it were anyone else a contempt warrant would already have been issued - and I would have served it. At some point, being vile, vindictive, and mean just becomes plain EVIL. I believe that WE (all of the first responders - both on the street and manning the phones) are now experiencing the retribution of a bitterly self-serving, evil man. There is no excuse for what our Firefighters have been put through. There is no excuse for what our Officers, EMS, Dispatch, and Metro employees are being put through now. I am afraid that until the citizens of Louisville and Jefferson County stand up and demand what is just and fair, this tyrant will remain in power to rampage over everyone's lives unimpeded. I have the utmost respect for Firefighters. I was out with them on a structure fire just yesterday for about an hour, and not once did I hear them complain about the injustices that Jerry has dealt them over and over again. They did their job..............


Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 12:54PM (15 years ago)

Hang in there guys, Stay Motivated, Stay Strong! I am a firm believer in that what comes around, goes around. One day we all have to account for our actions to someone in a much, much higher position!

McKenzie Mattingly

Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 3:32PM (15 years ago)

My father is a firefighter and this incentive pay issue as well as the money they are owed is absolutely infuriating. I watch my own parents struggle because of this sucka$$ mayor. It baffles me that people think this is just about the cops and "free" cars. I hear people saying it all the time and it drives me up the freaking wall. This is about family and loyalty and sacrifice and what is owed our public servants!! My whole life, my dad has been a firefighter and it's all he EVER wanted to be, and now more and more, this mayor makes him resent his job because of the financial struggles the mayor has caused.

I'm beyond all of you guys 150%, for my father, but also simply because I know the distinct difference between right and wrong. What has happened and is happening in this city is nothing short of tragedy, and yet everyone turns a blind eye.

Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 4:44PM (15 years ago)

I dont mean to offend any of you guys but I have a question- why is this mayor getting away with all the things you guys have said he's done? It seems to me that he is doing some shady/ criminal stuff and he's getting away with it.Are you guys not allowed to start an investigation into this guy? If you can't, isnt there someone who can? I find it hard to believe that a dept as big as LMPD has no one who can investigate this guy or, doesnt know someone else in a law enforcment agency who can. Is he above the powers of the police? If this was anybody else they would already be indicted, espicially if it was one of YOU!!! how can this be, and why? I support you guys 100 % and wish you the best. You will never be paid enough to do what you do, but you are entitled to have a leader who shows respect for you and what you do. This mayor has to go but it seems no one can or no one is willing to step up and bring him to his knees and expose him for what he really is- crooked! Pardon me for speaking maybe out of turn but I think its time you guys got mean and went after him with both barrels! Stop fooling around! GET HIM OUT OF THERE!

Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 8:00PM (15 years ago)

He's simply a piece of ********! Plain and simple! You reap what you sew and, one day, it'll ALL come back to bite him in his ********.

Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 9:32PM (15 years ago)

I don't know where to start with this response to the article or the level of frustration that I have felt the last 6 months working as a public safety employee for Louisville Metro Govt. I am tired of fight ing and listening to empty promises by both the Unions and the city administration. I want to see something happen. I have worked in law enforcement for 15 years and if the elected officials in Frankfort, Ky and Washington D.C can not see that there is a problem in Louisville Metro Govt then they are to blind or scared in making enemies. Elected official who represnt the law an failing to give legal opinions can have charges of official misconduct filed on them or bar complaints. It is time for the Unions to do something and start pushing buttons or quit wasting our time and money.

Contempt of Court

February 26th, 2009 @ 11:20PM (15 years ago)

I also read the Courier-Journal article today and was shocked to read little Chand's comment. They want to do the best thing to protect the taxpayers money? How about this:

If a contract is in place. Follow it.

IF there is a problem, work it out. Don't litigate it for years.

If you don't agree with the outcome then let an arbitrator decide and abide by his decision.

This wholemess was casuse by Abramson in the first place by him pouting over being told he was wrong and instead of admitting to a mistake, he dug his heels in and now it will cost 60 million. Not because of what the Firefighters did, but because of abramson's stubborness.

Last week despite the fact that he appointed to of his cronies kids to high paying jobds they weren't qualified for which they happened to screw up royally, instead of comming out and stating that he was wrong. He places another crony in the place of the person that screwed up who has no experience in Housing and Urban Developement. He also transferred his Deputy Mayor buddies kid to another high paying post to hide out in.

I am furious over how our emergency workers are being treated. It is scandalous! I agree with the author of this story. The Judge that issued the ruling givign him a couple of weeks to come up with the payment schedule should put him in his place by charging him with comtempt of court.

Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 12:04AM (15 years ago)

What about someone like me that is not an officer but works very closley with you guys and gals. Can I make a citizens arrest. I got 5 on it.


Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 8:05AM (15 years ago)

Why is it that the news agencies in this town seldom if ever work conjnctively on the same story? If a story is news worthy it will be news worthy on all the stations. In fact i will try my best to see all the reports on a subject like this and then decide which station I thought did the best job.

I have to say, that the Courier won out on this round even though once again they failed to place the blame squarely where it lies...on the shoulders of Jerry Abramson.

Decisions of this nature are not made by the Private Attorney that the City is paying a bundle to fight this isssue. The decision to proceed is Abramson's alone.

I firmly believe that he had no intention of ever paying up the money that he so clearly owes our Fire Department people.

Let's get this straight. Abramson is a crook. He has been diverting money into his little pet projects for years and not running our government in a responsible manner. A responsible mayor would have assesed the facts brought to him and even if he did not agree he would have made a better choice than Jerry did.

If you need a second opinion , that is what arbitration is for. If an arbitrator tells you it should be handled a certain way that is what you should do. What did jerry do? He strung it along in court for 13 years so now the damage is immense. All of this could have been setteled at minumum cost to our community back in 1995 had he only done the right thing.

Jerry thinks he is amarter than amyone else. He can see himself doing no wrong. His sociopathic and megolomaniac personality is the root cause of Louisville's economic crisis.

Want a hot tip news agencies? Check into Abramson removing money from the "Rainy Day Fund" last fall and investing it in the stock market only to lose his shiert and our money.

Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 1:34PM (15 years ago)

there is no way, at any point of time, that this administration will ever authorize an investigation of king jerry!! Too many other heads would likely come under the gaze of the executioner and guillotine for that to happen. And if there is one thing this admin is good at, it is protecting it's own a##$ at the expense of all other considerations...........................AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH....capt.AHAB

Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 3:23PM (15 years ago)

Isn't it ironic, that in this day and age in Metreo Governement, someone, most likely a scumbag drug dealer or his family, can sue the City and they will settle out of court. However, when LFD files a lawsuit, and wins on every level in the judicial process, due to a mistake made by city government, they cry SOUVERIGN IMMUNITY!!!!!! What a crock of ********. Someone should call the State Attorney General or the Justice Department and have Jerry investigated....

Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 3:40PM (15 years ago)

To jerry and his supporters in Louisville, the job these men and women do are a basic necessity to our community. Whether it is the men and women of yesterday, today, or tomorrow, public safety is a VITAL part of any community. For you to stoop one step farther and cry immunity is a disgrace to, not just the firefighters, but as a representative of our city, it is a disgrace to our community. Your childish tactics and antics serve no one, not even yourself. I shall never see you pay another dime in some frivious lawsuit if you cannot take care of your own people. God forgive me but, you truly belong in h$ll you P.O.S.

Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 5:48PM (15 years ago)

I didn't realize the POS Mayor is 62 years old. Maybe he'll die soon!!!! We will not be so lucky.

Contempt of Court

February 27th, 2009 @ 8:08PM (15 years ago)

I tried this several hours ago and someone removed the post. Stop. I am a member. Did anyone see the news about this knucklehead speanding 600,000 dollars on new grass cutting equipment? I mean seriously. Have the cittizens of this community not seen the psychotic amount of equipment this city owns? It is unimaginable to me that in these tough economic times that this mayor can justify a 600,000 dollar expenditure after making and or receiving from police a 20 million dollar budget dificit. That figure is more than half of the 1 million saved by closing Otter Creek Park. It is half of the 1.2 million dollar cash generator being so ruthlessly extorted from officers. How much more of this can the public stand? NEW MOWERS JERRY? WHAT THE H%#$ ARE YOU DOING? I wonder how long it will take you to burn through the OBAMA stimulus package? Be careful the feds will be watching those expenditures for sure.

Contempt of Court

February 28th, 2009 @ 11:36AM (15 years ago)

Boycott the awards! You B**** 364 days a year about how Bob and Jerry screw you and then you give them the opportuinity to have a a photo op with you. If you did something deserving of an award congratulations. Now show your pride in yourself by not sucking up to the command. Trust me these people will be gone before too long and the ones left behind will remember you for the stance you take.

Is a two colored bar on your chest mean more that you Pride, Integrity, and Dedication? Send a strong message and send it now.....the FOP can have it's own awards.

Contempt of Court

February 28th, 2009 @ 4:31PM (15 years ago)

I agree. Its time to boycott these ignorant awards bangquet. Its all a dog and pony show anyways. The same officer that recieves an award would be on the chopping block if given a chance by this administration. If you think for a moment this administration gives a **** about your award then you are living in oblivion. If you get an award then congratulations and boycott the bangquet. Does someone your age really need to be honored at a banquet? Does that make you feel like a success? Look at all the actions taken everyday by officers that deserve an award but goes unoticed. They all seem to survive without and go on doing their job. If you think you "need" to go and act like the world is revolving around you for the night then you may need to take a long hard look at your life in general.

Contempt of Court

February 28th, 2009 @ 5:38PM (15 years ago)

Hey FOP President and board members. How about a post or a e:mail regarding your views on an organized boycott of the awards banquet. A large majority of members are looking to you for leadership. Take a stand, one way or the other, let us know how you feel.

Contempt of Court

February 28th, 2009 @ 6:32PM (15 years ago)

I've read several post saying "I won't shake the mayor's hand" or "I'll turn my back and walk away".

First of all, I don't think anyone will actually have the sand to do it, as much as I'd love to see it happen. I hate to think of what the Chief's office would do to you for "insubordination" or "conduct unbecoming".

Do yourself a favor. Just stay home and spend the evening with a group of people that truly love and appreciate you unconditionally. Your family.

The more people that just politely turn down the invitation the better. The worst thing that can happen is for the media to show everyone standing in line to shake hands and accept an award from a man who is going out of his way to demonize not only us, but our brother and sister Fire Fighters and Corrections Officers as well.

Boycott the awards banquet


March 1st, 2009 @ 3:42PM (15 years ago)

Men and Women of the LMPD, this is a rare time when we get a chance to make a stand, and show our position when it comes to the wrong doings of our Mayor and Commanders. Please don't forget about all the times that Troy Boy and Bobby White got on TV and talked about the case they had against "OUR PEOPLE" when it pertained to our take home car fees. ABSOLUTELY , don't forget about what they are doing to our brothers and sisters that put out the flames that we don't go into. To all who received an award for 2008, you are well deserving, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You will still get your award and certificates, they will just come through the mail. If you choose to go and shake hands with a man that regards you as " A NECESSARY EVIL" then there is nothing that myself or any other officer can do about it. PLEASE GET THE MESSAGE OUT.... NO AWARDS BANQUET!!!!

Contempt of Court

March 2nd, 2009 @ 12:18AM (15 years ago)

Dont go to that awards show and shake the mayors hand- you dont know where that hand's been!! HHAaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaa!!!!!! Heeeeeeeee Heeeeeeeeee !! Oh wait a minute I do too! In the firemans pocket and the policemans wallet!

Contempt of Court

March 2nd, 2009 @ 2:20PM (15 years ago)

I will not be going to the awards banquet. I also will not be condemning those who choose to attend. I will not hold it against you or think less of your pride. Jerry is hoping you will attend though. Lots of photo ops "with the troops" are recieved by the media as: "everything is great and all are happy in LMPD land, just look at the guys getting their picture taken with their beloved Jerry-kins." Whether you intend to or not - your actions make statements. follow your heart.


Contempt of Court

March 2nd, 2009 @ 4:24PM (15 years ago)

I'm embarrassed now. I guess i'll stand by for my lashing.

10 yr. Veteran LMPD

Tony Cruise Show this morning

March 3rd, 2009 @ 1:05PM (15 years ago)

The Mayor was on with Tony Cruise this morning on 84 WHAS doing a phone interview and was asked by Tony about the money owed to the firefighters and why the City is dodging paying the money owed. The Mayor basically blamed the "greedy" fireman by saying that the original settlement was supposed to be about 17 million and now they want two or three times that because of the way overtime is calculated on equipment pay, incentive pay, etc... That is an outright lie. The reason the original settlement has balloned is because the Mayor lost his court case and now the city has to pay the victor's attorneys fees.... a standard practice the Mayor is well aware of. The Mayor and his "four corner stall" has caused the payout to increase, not the fireman. Grow a spine Mr. Mayor and admit the truth!

new position

March 3rd, 2009 @ 1:38PM (15 years ago)

New LMPD Position Posting:

Requirements: must be able to sit in dark room alone for hours on end. speak into operating fan with radio on other side. (careful, it's dark, don't chop your lips off ! ) in the event of a power failure and the fan won't operate; make whooshing sounds and say "chop, chop, chop chop." when requested by ground units - respond by talking through fan, wait 10 minutes, then call on scene. wait 2 more minutes and state you are either: low on fuel, bad weather conditions, or be partially honest and state that "it's all black here, can't see a thing."


And what have we done with our helicopter mechanic? Is he patiently waiting at Logan St or Newberg for someone to bring in a turbine-powered Crown Vic that runs on JP5?

An air unit would have caught the recent scourge of Adam district by now. Instead we must have details and assigned units each night for a permanent perimeter. NUTS. SNAFU. BOHICA.


Contempt of Court

March 7th, 2009 @ 7:56AM (15 years ago)

Name them ...

Contempt of Court

March 7th, 2009 @ 9:22AM (15 years ago)

I hope everyone saw our brother Firefighters on the news doing the photo's with Jerry. Simply pathetic...here is the guy putting the screws to them every chance possible but the public see's him on tv giving awards like he is in support of them. I thought to myself...that is pathetic that they would stand up there and allow him to manipulate them like that. You have to understand the public doesn't sit around and think about how Jerry screws his employees. They may see something and say thats not right...then a few weeks later see a bunch of Police/Fire getting their picture made shaking hands like everything is just great. It's simply pathetic. I know when I see the Police awards banquet with him doing the same thing...it will make me want to puke as well. So if anyone who attends for the photo opp with the mayor...I hope you can look at yourself in the mirror and think it was worth it because your only helping him defeat us.

Contempt of Court

March 7th, 2009 @ 12:42PM (15 years ago)

I noticed our FOP president was quick to dispel rumors about not supporting a boycott of the banquet.

Contempt of Court

March 8th, 2009 @ 10:19AM (15 years ago)

You are an angry person. When it comes time to help you from a criminal intruding in your life. One of the above mentioned Officers will do their duty to come to your aid because that is what they do. Just say thank you and hope they get to go home to their family. God Bless them all.

Contempt of Court

March 8th, 2009 @ 2:58PM (15 years ago)

boycott anything to do with the ***** and the jerky. Only 'APPROVED' folks get awards anyway - doesn't have anything to do with the Cops attitude. BTW LMPD is not anti-gay or ********. A respondent replied that way to annoy one of Jerry's evil little minions. B what U R and be proud - Jerry is a fake and a jerk



March 8th, 2009 @ 7:11PM (15 years ago)

looks like the police is getting 5 million from the feds, wonder how Jerry is going to screw us out of this money so he can use it for his projects. it was in the paper Saturday.

Jane Driskell is back

March 9th, 2009 @ 10:43PM (15 years ago)

Abramson Follows Beshear Lead, Hiring Double Dippers6:41 PM Mon, Mar 09, 2009 |

Mark Hebert

Governor Steve Beshear has a slew of them in his administration. Now Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson is following suit: rehiring folks who are already collecting retirement benefits from a public agency. Abramson has hired his retired budget director, Jane Driskell, to head a new financial management agency in Metro government:

Driskell to Lead Newly Merged Office of Management and Budget

First Assignment: Reducing Government Spending

LOUISVILLE (March 9, 2009) - Mayor Jerry Abramson has appointed the city's former Chief Financial Officer, Jane Driskell, to oversee the city's financial management and improve government efficiency as director of a newly merged agency, the Office of Management and Budget.

The Office of Management and Budget combines the city's Finance and Administration Department with the Office of Policy and Management.

"Jane has an extensive knowledge of government administration and budgeting that's difficult to match," Abramson said. "At a time of national recession and shrinking city budgets, we need her expertise more than ever."

Abramson said Driskell's first assignment will be to work with department directors and Metro Council members to find ways to further decrease government spending and maintain basic services in the upcoming budget.

Driskell retired in November 2008 after more than two decades of public service, including deputy mayor of the former City of Louisville and director of administrative services for the Kentucky Justice Cabinet. She has been helping as a part-time, unpaid volunteer over the past two months.

In addition to leading the city's new OMB, Driskell will play a key role on the mayor's Louisville at Work team, which is prioritizing spending of the city's share of federal job-creation dollars in the stimulus program. Driskell's focus is on accountability and oversight requirements.

Driskell's salary was $110,848 when she retired last year. She will earn $95,000 in the new, expanded role.

Kevin Moore, who has been serving as interim chief financial officer, will continue to oversee day-to-day financial management under a new title, controller. Daniel Frockt will continue as budget director.

Mary Gwen Wheeler, who had served a dual role as both director of the Office of Policy and Management and senior advisor for education, will now focus primarily on her education role, which include coordination with Jefferson County Public Schools, University of Louisville and other local education institutions, and continue