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2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy


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2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 7th, 2009 @ 9:06PM (16 years ago)

Jerry you better call "The Heavy Hitter" for that broken back you keep getting from these Judges.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 7th, 2009 @ 10:01PM (16 years ago)

This IS SPARTA! (flying kick to the chest)

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 7th, 2009 @ 10:39PM (16 years ago)

What kind of silly a$$ attorneys does the city hire that takje whatever Jerry says as gospel? Did they have to drink the koolaide prior to getting hired? His argument (LIE) was that the city would suffer irreprable harm if he did,'t get thje money for the cars right now??? OMG!! Then today we see his lie exposed by him spending over 12 million dollars so he can give it to CORDISH for 149 years. C'mon people lets get rid of this crook now before he does any nore damage.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 8th, 2009 @ 1:34AM (16 years ago)

That is not just a win for Metro it is a win for all public service workers! He is starting to lose his grip on the city. Now more people won't be afraid to take him on because they know he can be beat!

We are tired of cake Jerry, it's about time we get a slice of that pie!

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 8th, 2009 @ 7:48AM (16 years ago)

Police-2 king jerry-0

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 8th, 2009 @ 8:11AM (16 years ago)

Outstanding! I am glad I am retired, but still bleed for my brothers and sisters in their struggles. It is also great to see one of our judges do the right thing. Now I would say keep up the pressure on Fat Head and maybe we will finally get to realize the potential Louisville Metro has.


2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 8th, 2009 @ 1:46PM (16 years ago)

Would someone put a muzzle on that moron Denny Norris? Now he is whinning because the Corrections Chief has said hell no to furloughs. Just because he SOLD OUT all of his people and was stupid enough to believe that everyone would pay a portion of his buddy jer's employee tax now he wants to complain that it isn't fair? Screw him! If EMS and every other union that has teamsters doesn't boot them out the next go around then they get what they pay for. Denny Norris is a sell out loser that is only in it for the fat salary that he gets. He does not give a damn about any of the people he has so lamely represented.

Remember he is the one that sais he could work this out with Abramson. Remember he is the one that went behind his people's backs and agreed to the furloughs even after the votes clearly showed the majority were against it. Remember that most people don;t trust abramson and the ies and deceit that he is propogating on our community.

I say that when it comes time to tar and feather Abramson that we bring some extra for his buddy Denny Norris: THE SELLL-OUT SCAB!

Velcro will not be Denied

January 8th, 2009 @ 4:03PM (16 years ago)

To paraphrase a great philospher...Wine for my men, beer for my horses!

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 8th, 2009 @ 7:32PM (16 years ago)

I have to admit I am a little surprised. For so long have I heard from several different people that a lot of these judges were in jerry's pocket, and or close friends. So the past two rulings have caught me off guard. I believe that with everything that has been going on and wtih jerry losing steam around here, his "close" friends are now not so close. Either way, Thanks for doing the right thing.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 8th, 2009 @ 8:03PM (16 years ago)

Take all you can, give nothing back

-Pirate Jack

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 9th, 2009 @ 5:24PM (16 years ago)

Maybe I missed it but where are they going to move Crimes Against Children Unit to? How about 1st division HALO, or Flex? The two latter cannot move to the district...there is no room there for them. How much money will it cost to move these units? Heck, what about EMS??? Where do they now go? The downtown development people like having the substation there because it usually means there are several police nearby. Wonder what they think of all this???

Just food for thought. If there is a plan in place that is feasable then I apologize to anyone I may have offended.

B Patterson

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 9th, 2009 @ 6:05PM (16 years ago)

First, I would like to thank all of the Judges involved in this so far for their actions. I firmly believe they have done the right thing in this case. Second, for all my fire breathing brothers in the FOP, I think John McGuire deserves some appreciation for finding an approach to this issue that has allowed us to take the high road, keep our cars (so far) and left our options open for the future. If the labor board sides with us, we can continue to negotiate; if they go against us, there is always to park them later. I personally think John McGuire always looks like he is out of his depth and befuddled by what is going on around him; I am now starting to wonder how much of that is just excellent showmanship. Good Job Mr. President.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 10th, 2009 @ 8:33AM (16 years ago)

I wonder if ol' Jerry has enough money (embezzled/kickbacks/and other) socked away to pay his personal 'police' bodyguards for life? With the way he treats people and (what used to be) the city's money, he probably does.

kickin back with velcro and senor possum on the highway

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 10th, 2009 @ 3:01PM (16 years ago)

Chad "Weasel" Carlton is quoted in a story in the CJ that there was a "Gentlemans Agreement" for all employees to agree to the furlough days. What about the agreement that was put in place when the land for Southfields was given to the County for a training facility. That agreement said that the land would always be used for the County. Then the Mayor sells it because he can make some money. He sold it for less than it was worth and probably made a few bucks under the table. There are no gentlemen in the mayors office. Only a crook and all his loyal butt kissers who will do anything and screwover anyone to keep their 6 figure job!

Read the story ...it is titled Teamsters sue over city furloughs. The following is the quote;

{Chad Carlton, a spokesman for Abramson, said the city and union officials had a "gentleman's agreement" that the entire work force would be part of the furlough program. If that agreement does not stand, the city might have to lay people off to make up the budget deficit, he said.

"They are asking the least of their employees -- the newest and least-paid -- to bear all the burden so the most senior and highest-paid don't suffer in any way," Carlton said of the union. "And now they're asking taxpayers to pay them for time they didn't work, because they changed their minds."}

Keep posting all the wrong doings...maybe one will affect one other person which will hopefully help us in the future.


2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 10th, 2009 @ 3:59PM (16 years ago)

You know, I am glad to see that I am not the only one that Chad "Old Shoes" Carlton rubs the wrong way. With someone that is supposed to be the Mayor's spokesguru, he always comes off as a whiner with a snotty attitude.

I'll bet that the Circuit Court Judges are pleased to see these actions brought into the courtroom where they belong instead of being heard in the media. Remember that most of our judges pride themselves on their impartiality, this goes to show you that Abramson can't buy off everyone.

If I were Jerry I would be looking over my shoulder because I am guessing that the feds are watching. Remenber that this web page is an important source of information sharing, but I know for a fact that they have been asked not to post the Lodges whole gameplan. Jerry has quite a few upcoming surprises in store for him between now and the hearing.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 11th, 2009 @ 1:23PM (16 years ago)

The Communist Journal posted another story about a Democrat mayor of a large city (Baltimore,MD) having gotten in trouble with using city money for personal gain. Mayor Jerky Abramson, you will be in this same category soon. Illinois governor, Birmingham,AL mayor, Baltimore,MD mayor and soon Louisville,KY mayor. Does anyone see the trend? All are Democrats and all have been involved in governmant politics for a while. It is time for change. Twenty years is long enough!

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 11th, 2009 @ 5:44PM (16 years ago)

Can someone please post a list of people that are going to the inauguration? I also would like to know who is paying for the gas and the plane tickets. It would seem crazy if the department is paying for this travel, but they won't pay for a detective to interview a suspect in another state.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 11th, 2009 @ 8:04PM (16 years ago)

I would like to know the number of people the City is sending to the Presidential Innauguration and at what cost ?? When you figure travel, per diem, SD days that would pobably add up to a nice sum. A nice sum that could probably help prevent the single mom/dad, or family with multiple children from being forced to take furlough days. I am thankful we are exempt from these furlough days, but remember this is a fight for ALL Metro employees.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 11th, 2009 @ 9:03PM (16 years ago)

Good luck to the Fire Department on your Court battle about the closing of your Fire Station! I think it is tomorrow! I hope you win your injunction also!

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 12th, 2009 @ 7:39AM (16 years ago)

Does everyone remember when Jerry decided that our holiday pay and our equipment allowance checks should be taxed at the IRS's 'BONUS' rates? - thus screwing everyone out of around $500.00 a year for the equipment allowance alone, and a few hundred more if you sell back your holidays!!! Not only are these not bonuses, but where is this money going???? In one year, just the equipment money taxes equal $600,000.00 Where the hell did that money/and is that money going? It sure isn't all going to the Federal Government, or Jerry wouldn't have done it. If you are going to screw the officers out of their money, at least put it toward the people getting furlough days and help them out!


2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 12th, 2009 @ 10:51AM (16 years ago)

jerri is a dirty terd. if he was a mayor in a town farther south then kentucky he would have been lynched by now. you dont steel from the peeple that pay your sallary and support the county. folks tend to remember when you take there money. dont give in cops and firemen and paramedics you are in the right.

2nd Judge Denies City's Request In Take-Home Car Controversy

January 13th, 2009 @ 11:26AM (16 years ago)

How is it that the king feels comfortable with spending money for more bars and restaurants downtown and yet one of the biggest attractions on 4th Street is now closing due to lack of customers? Employees at Lucky Strike learned this weekend that the bowling alley/bar will soon be closing due to lack of business. I assume that jerry and his cronies no longer have money invested in this area and have already made their money therefore there is no reason to worry about it. Must be time to move on and make another suitcase load from Center City.

Once again, bravo king jerry