I don't know if this rumor is true or not, but I recently heard that Abramson took a butt load of city money out to "invest" it in the stock market a couple of months ago and lost it all and that is why he is trying to raise some cash now. Did the FOP ever get the complete set of books? I haven't heard anything form them about it. I still think that Abramson is covering something up that he doesn't want anyone to find out. Did the council do an open records request too? It seems a shame that they
I don't know if this rumor is true or not, but I recently heard that Abramson took a butt load of city money out to "invest" it in the stock market a couple of months ago and lost it all and that is why he is trying to raise some cash now. Did the FOP ever get the complete set of books? I haven't heard anything form them about it. I still think that Abramson is covering something up that he doesn't want anyone to find out. Did the council do an open records request too? It seems a shame that they