LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Can we get some answers?


RE: Can we get some answers?

December 12th, 2008 @ 9:38PM (15 years ago)

Do you always want the car dangling in front you like a carrot on a stick....I sure don't. I have only been on the department a little over two years and know that if we don't turn the cars in we're screwed. You are paying the mayor to do your job......that is unacceptable. Its just a car, plenty of people drive to work everyday in personally owned vehicles.... if its off-duty, there is plenty of off duty out there to be had in a POV, and not to mention as soon as we park them, clients will except the fact that there won't be a marked unit sitting out front, but there will be an officer inside. The Snake will not be our mayor forever, and take home cars will come back. This program is proven to be financially better along with being a crime deterrent. There are ample articles about this issue, this mayor just wants to divide and concur and we will not let it happen. When you start hot seating a car the life is less than two years, so when cars are burning up and the city is spending more money than they are now they will fold, it will just take time. I will sacrifice now for the future officers later.

RE: Can we get some answers?

December 13th, 2008 @ 1:52AM (15 years ago)

Anyone want to guess which one on the command staff wrote this? I'm guessing T.R. It's to well written to be anyone else.