LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Can we get some answers?


RE: Can we get some answers?

December 11th, 2008 @ 11:00PM (15 years ago)

Devils advocate here...current metro employee.

What if the city tracked your mileage when you arrived at work each day, left at end of shift, and only charged you for gas based on personal mileage? The city is self insured on the cars, and fleet maintenance handles the repairs internally, so that money is budgeted and doesn't drastically fluctuate.

I'm figuring those of you that take the cars home use about $20/week in gas driving to and from work, and then the grocery, basketball game, etc. Some would pay more for driving more, some would pay less for driving less, but in general, $80 month.

Before you give the typical response of having to work off duty all the time, keep in mind that some of us are on call and get called in the middle of the night, having to drive our own car to and from downtown, and paying for our own gas to get to work each day. I also pay insurance, car payment, and maintenance on my vehicle. So, given all of the other things except for gas would be provided, would you take the deal?