LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Can we get some answers?


RE: Can we get some answers?

December 11th, 2008 @ 7:05AM (15 years ago)

And why does the mayor need TWO spokespeople instead of just one? It's not like it's a round-the-clock job that neccessitates needing more than one person. Cut one of those useless positions, preferably Richardson, who made herself look foolish the other night when she said "why would we LIE about there being this much of a shortfall?" Uh, politics? Scandal? Extortion? Money? Favors? Afterall, we live in a world where politicians sell senate seats.

RE: Can we get some answers?

December 11th, 2008 @ 7:51PM (15 years ago)

Ok, there's an open records request. You have to be specific, but how about - copies of the paperwork that he signs to agree to the deduction from his paycheck? You have to sign for these deductions, so there will have to be paperwork. Once this kicks in, someone needs to make that specific request.

We know some of the folks who have cars, but first on the list should be copies of the paperwork each and every person with a city assigned car must sign to get the car. 16 people in Emergency Management - cripes, there aren't 16 people working in that department. (I suspect they meant MetroSafe.) I know that they let one guy drive his EM car to Oldham County, though, at least, I see it tooling toward Goshen about 5:30 or so every evening. What's up with that?

RE: Can we get some answers?

December 11th, 2008 @ 10:05PM (15 years ago)

Only the peeons will ever pay, only the peeons contracts will be defaced, only the peeons will be furloughed w/o pay, and only the peeons will park their cars and say no more. Meanwhile the big dogs will not be bothered.