LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!


RE: Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!

October 21st, 2008 @ 11:33AM (16 years ago)

Maybe he should be asked to recuse himself because of his prior relationship both with the old City of Louisville Law Dept and the County Attorney's office?

RE: Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!

October 21st, 2008 @ 3:37PM (16 years ago)

Maybe you don't know Mitch Perry. I have known him for a very long time. Even though we sat on different sides of the table I respected him because he always did his best. He has a lot of integrity and did his job well when he worked with Metro Government. He is not working for the city anymore. He has a exceptional military background in JAG and he is not influenced by Abramson anymore. Question: In your job so you do the best for your employer at present or do you slack off and wait until something better comes along to show how well you can do your job? Mitch is a great guy and as you well know he ruled in our favor because it was the correct thing to do. If our complaint would have been baseless he would have ruled against us because it was the right thing. Can you support your allegations with any facts or are you just passing along rumor an inuendo?

RE: Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!

October 23rd, 2008 @ 5:16AM (16 years ago)

Interesting as well that John Flood has his position by being married to Councilwoman Madonna Flood Democrat 24th district.

Now do you think that some of this backroom dirty tricks and corruption was ever discussed at the supper table at home? I find that the interesting thing and exactly what did Madonna Flood know about that whole fiasco. Remember, this woman was a elected official responsible for holding up the public trust. If that is what we have for leadership in Louisville, then we are in a lot of trouble