LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!


RE: Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!

October 19th, 2008 @ 10:10PM (16 years ago)

I agree with your passion, but get the academy time complete and off pobation, then you can help fight the good fight.

RE: Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!

October 21st, 2008 @ 11:56AM (16 years ago)

I hope to god that you got hired before the 25 year retirement plan kicked in. Being forced to work 25 years before retiring SUCKS DONKEY BUTT.

About causing trouble, wait until you're off probation. That way it's a little harder for them to fire you, although the owner of this website will tell you that it's still possible for them to fire you even then. Maybe the owner of the website would like to chime in about what happens to trouble makers. (Hi Chris!)