LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!


RE: Abramson tries to cancel Officer's Health Insurance...AGAIN!

October 15th, 2008 @ 11:42AM (16 years ago)

Couple of points - it does no good to email a council member that isn't YOUR council member. I suspect that there are LMPD officers who live in each of the districts, each of us need to focus HARD on OUR council member. (And encourage family and friends to do the same.) Each member (and their legislative aide, every message needs to go to both) needs to find their Inbox full every day. Not with ranting and raving and "Jerry's mean to us" messages, but well-reasoned, detailed messages explaining ALL the problems with the department, not just the contract issue. Talking about staffing, hiring, the retirements, etc. Each day send a different message, on a different topic. Make sure they are grammatical and polite, if necessary, get someone to proof it for you.

And for the record, don't use the "contact us" from the website - type in their email directly. (You can find it on the global directory - but it would be nice for someone to post the list here.) Do NOT use your city email, send the message from a personal email and a non-city computer - don't give them ANY ammunition to use against you.