LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Elimination of Incarceration?


RE: Elimination of Incarceration?

May 26th, 2008 @ 2:42PM (16 years ago)

Not terrible, just not "easy." Most of these folks have no concept of causation - they don't see the connection between appropriate behavior and benefits. Time to teach them. You want to watch television - you have to put in an equal amount of time doing something like picking up trash. You want privileges - you have to, for example, put in time working on a GED, if you don't have a HS diploma, or training in something. If you don't, you don't get the privileges, you don't get unlimited visitors, you don't get commissary privileges, nothing enjoyable. (What's with a prisoner account to buy soft drinks, anyway, ANY money in that account should be money they earn for WORK - not money their grandma puts in so her sweetie can buy cookies.)