LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The Root of the South End Problem - Southfields


RE: The Root of the South End Problem - Southfields

April 28th, 2008 @ 12:03AM (16 years ago)

They will vote again for everyone of the crooks and they will get what they deserve. Give credit to the Mayor he has managed to move crime throughout the city now. By the way for the southend residents vote down the library tax next time and see what the Mayor puts in your backyard. I'm guessing it will be some type of toxic waste dump.

RE: The Root of the South End Problem - Southfields

April 29th, 2008 @ 9:29PM (16 years ago)

In the interest of full disclosure, the expense for the firearms range would not have been avoided by not selling Southfields, their range would never have been able to handle 1300 officers. The buildings out there were an absolute mess, PT/DT was done in a barn. The only thing Southfields had was a driving track, and it wasn't much of one. We COULD probably get a driving/training facility, if we got out of this attitude that it has to be an LMPD facility - and "sold" it more as a COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY training facility. Don't forget, there is more to policing in Jefferson County than LMPD - and we'd get a LOT more support for a facility if everyone was included. Why aren't we reaching out to J-town, St. Matthews, Shively, the Sheriff's Office, Corrections (which actually IS part of Metro government, after all), Audubon Park, the Airport, U of L, even places like Hollow Creek and Bancroft. They all need a range and a driving track, also, after all. All of the fire departments, and EMS, also need a place to do safe driving training, after all, as well.