LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

More Officers, Less Helicopters & $60 is a Pittance

RE: More Officers, Less Helicopters & $60 is a Pittance

February 9th, 2008 @ 8:08PM (16 years ago)

That is a great idea, the FOP should buy adspace or get with Bisig who owns all the Billboards in Louisville and put up ads. Lexington PD did this and they got a nice raise. You don't see Lexington applying to lateral here anymore.

RE: More Officers, Less Helicopters & $60 is a Pittance

February 9th, 2008 @ 4:00PM (16 years ago)

Everybody keeps talking about letting the public know how few officers there are per shift, per division, per day. Why doesn't someone, maybe the FOP, buy space in the newspaper and let people know. Since the majority of the city reads the paper at some point during the day, especially the liberals who voted for Abramson, either buying themselves or reading it at work, the information will get out.