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Police say retired officer fired on Hummer after seeing gun


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Police say retired officer fired on Hummer after seeing gun

June 5th, 2007 @ 9:25PM (18 years ago)

I cant wait until all of the facts are released in this case. If it happened the way they saiy it did I would have shot the guy to. If you pull a gun on someone you had better be prepared to use it. Looks like he tried to scare the wrong person, that is unless he was intending to shoot Koenig. Also I love how the news shows all the times Koenig was disciplined and for what he was disciplined for, and then at the end they have a short mention of his commendation but don't show them. Don't you just love how the news portrays the police.

Police say retired officer fired on Hummer after seeing gun

June 8th, 2007 @ 3:29PM (18 years ago)

Unfortunately the real story will be a while in forthcoming. A good investigation takes time and reviewing all the facts and evidence of the case. The newsmedia however is trying to convict Koenig ahead of time with their slanted stories and suppositions of what happened. They are playing up his disciplinary record yet they aren't saying anything about the other guys record. I would be interested in seeing that too.

Koenig may not have had a good record, but that has absolutely nothing to do with this incident. I could go on all day with the "What I heard.... bs" but that would make me as guilty as the media for presenting him as a ticking time bomb.

The fact of the matter is it was stupidity at its worst. Getting into a gun battle over who had the right of way at a 4 way stop at Kroger's. Police Officers don't pull their guns unless their life is threatened. I expect 20 years of Law Enforcement ingrained this in Koenig's way he reacted. This other guy took a civillian course and who knows what kind of training he received.

Police say retired officer fired on Hummer after seeing gun

June 17th, 2007 @ 12:14PM (18 years ago)

So, his fellow officers who were praying that he would retire, and cheering the day he left, are wrong n their belief that this guy was a detriment to ALL officers?

Police say retired officer fired on Hummer after seeing gun

July 18th, 2007 @ 2:26PM (17 years ago)

Hang Koenig. If the guy would have shot the retired "cop" his ******** would have been beaten and then hauled off to jail to await trial.