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3rd District Congressman goes head to head with Stephen Colbert

RE: 3rd District Congressman goes head to head with Stephen Colbert...

March 12th, 2007 @ 5:52PM (17 years ago)

Just another anti war liberal posting. If you actually took the time to sit down with the troops including myself the majority of us would tell you that we were proud to serve in Iraq and would go back again if need be. Iraq is a good cause WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION OR NOT. The majority of Iraqies are happy to be free and thanked us everyday for their freedom. Of course you will never see that portrayed in the liberal media because they have hated and despised President Bush since he FAIRLY beat Al Gore in 2000. My fellow Marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen did not go over there to die for a lost cause. We went over there to free an opressed people and fight terrorists on foreign soil so we would not have to fight them here in the United States. The majority of people we a killing over there are terrorits from other countries not Iraqies. So you may think that all these soldiers are dying for no reason, I say they are all making the ultimate sacrafice and dying for the greatest cause ever. FREEDOM. Semper Fi to all my fellow Jarheads, and to the Law Enforcemnt community keep up the good work. With out the Military and the Police this country would cease to exist.

RE: 3rd District Congressman goes head to head with Stephen Colbert...

March 12th, 2007 @ 9:24PM (17 years ago)

It does not matter if you think this war is right or not, support those people you just mentioned who have lost there lives, and are fighting for you, and me to live in a safer, and better place.They do not need your criticisms. As for their civil war you have two choices fight them there , or here at home which would you prefer. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

RE: 3rd District Congressman goes head to head with Stephen Colbert...

March 13th, 2007 @ 2:36AM (17 years ago)

You must be new to the political system. Senority counts for something at the big house because nobody wants to support a loser. The more times you are elected the more attention you will gain with your colleagues with the mindset that they will keep seeing you around. They want you to be sympathetic with there causes as they will know that you are a marathoner and vice versa. Thats why senior senators and congressman head up the most powerful committees. And let's not forget bout your other comment. Did we find any weapons of mass detruction? Yes we did. If memory serves me right approximately 500 warheads that liberals boasted was meek. Not to meek to me considering what they done on September 11th with boxcutters. Finally our poor troops. There is no one I mean no one that is any mor a patriot than I. Our military is comprised of the most lethal weapon ever none to man. VOLUNTEERS! All signed a contract to defend this country's enemies foreign and domestic of there own free will. They are doing exactly what they want to do. Yes it's tragic to lose 3,000 plus soldiers but even more tragic to lose 3,000 of our citizens on our own soil (Sept. 11th). Would you rather fight the war hear or over there. We were kickin A** and taking names until the big hearted liberals got involved.

RE: 3rd District Congressman goes head to head with Stephen Colbert...

March 13th, 2007 @ 3:05AM (17 years ago)

WMD's were not the only reason we went to Iraq. We went to free an opressed people from a ruthless dictator. That mission was accompished. We went to stop a tyrant from gaining the capacity to affect other nations, remember he had already shown a propensity for invading neighboring peaceful nations. If the U.S. would have stepped in and stepped on the necks of other ruthless dictators like HITLER instead of taking the pansy approach that FDR took then we could have prevented a world war. FDR only entered the conflict after he could no longer avoid it because his political butt was on the line. Sadaam had nerve agents that he used on the Kurdish peoples. He has blister agents that he used on the Iranians. Did you want him to start using them on us??? You freakin' liberals amaze me with your wishful thinking and pray for peace attituded. Evil will prevail unless strong men and women with guts stand in the path and stop it. We must stamp out evil before you are dodging IED's on Hourstbourne Lane. Wishing for a better world won't accomplish a thing. Stopping evil will. Yes we have lost over 2000 lives. We lost that in most battles in WW2 and would have lost more had Ike not had the balls to firebomb Japan and nuke them. I want peace and prosperity for my country and my family. Remember that if we wait for them to come to us again then we will lose the battle. This battle will not end soon. You liberal weanies are never prepaired to accept consequences and fight for what you believe in.

Last week there was a peace march in Louisville and 13 people were there. I would rather be at war in a forein country and know my family and my home is safe here. I have been overseas and can attest firsthand that the people of Iraq are tired of the opression of dictators and killers. The same killers planting IED's and doing suicide bombings that are killing their own people are the faithful of Islam that would like nothing more than to kill your liberal behind. Quit whinning and complaining and beating your breast over your distorted perception of reality. John Yarmouth won't do anything but toe the party line and kiss Hilary's behind. His election like his appearance on the show was nothing more than a bad joke made into a reality. I have fought for my country and will proudly do so again. When the shores of America run red with blood because people like you interfered with the President and his policy of stopping terrorists before they come to America again will you admit that you were wrong and fight for freedom?? I doubt it, you wil probably try and appeal to the terrorist's best interest and find the social causes behind his anger. THE HATE US BECAUSE WE ARE CHRISTIANS. THEY HATE US BECAUSE OUR SYSTEM OF DEMOCRACY, FLAWED AS IT IS WORKS. THEY HATE US BECAUE WE STAND UP FOR THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Of course, you don't think we should, you think we should just stick out head in the sand an maybe it will all go away. You think if we wish it to all be pretty with rainbows that the sky will never darken and the land will always be pretty. You make me sick. Take your whiny liberal attitude back to your east end home and stick it up your butt.

RE: 3rd District Congressman goes head to head with Stephen Colbert...

March 13th, 2007 @ 9:30PM (17 years ago)

You don't have a clue about how the system works! Seniority is everything, the senior reps are put on the important commitees and get to get those special funds for their area. I don't guess you know that all of the homeland money and even the MDT's in every police car were paid for with funds that Northup got for us. Yarmuth may end up doing a good job but the new guys loses alot. You shouldn't push Northup into the "Daddy little War monger" group unless you want us to put you into the left wing wacko category just because of you statements. By the way one life lost is too many but more people lose their lives in the state of California each year to violent crime than have died so far in several years of war. I guess Pelosi should take care of her own back yard! And I am tickled sh**less that you didn't vote for Kerry, there may be hope for you yet.....walk towards the light my friend walk towards the light.