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S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

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S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 27th, 2006 @ 4:58AM (18 years ago)

I'm glad this situation ended the way it did. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers Mark!

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 27th, 2006 @ 5:45AM (18 years ago)

hey Mark it can't be all that bad buddy-o, keep the faith pal, I know you better than that. Call if you need anything!!! Jim-Bob

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 27th, 2006 @ 8:18AM (18 years ago)

I have tried to tell people for years that the Police Officers they see aren't robots. They are people like everyone else. The Police Department is a microcosm of this community. We have families, homes, mortgages, bills and all the same troubles everyone else has. We also bear the burden of interceding and solving other peoples problems. In the last 10 days I have seen 1 murder, 2 shootings a suicide. I have dealt with some really nice folks and I have dealt with some scum. I have been in a fight and though all of that I have too maintain my own sanity and raise my kids.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Mark. I know how hard it is sometimes and I hope that you pull through this. You are a good man.

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 27th, 2006 @ 8:41AM (18 years ago)

Good Luck Mark - former p.o

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 27th, 2006 @ 8:42AM (18 years ago)

Mark, YOU have always been a good friend and partner. Our prayers are with you and look forward to seeing you soon.

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 27th, 2006 @ 8:50AM (18 years ago)

I sat and listened to the radio and watched the news stations. I am upset on how over some of the radio transmissions that were going on by our METRO SAFE. They forgot that this officer was listening to every word they were transmitting and they could have easily made it worse by what they were saying. This was not the ordinary situation. The officers who responded were dealing with a friend and partner. More training needs to be done with those giving out information as to how not to make the situation worse. The media presented itself as the scum they are. They told their side of the story and added how this officer was involved in the arrest of Adrian Renolds. How a law-suite was initiated by the officers due to the release of information (Officers Bill of Rights violations) and how it was dismissed. WHAT DID THIS INFORMATION HAVE TO DO WITH WHAT WAS CURRENTLY GOING ON? NOT A F***ing thing but they want to make it more than it is and put their own spin on the pain a police officer is going thru. Mark, all our prayers are with you and we all stand ready to support you. 4th div / 3rd platoon.

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 28th, 2006 @ 12:02AM (18 years ago)

I hate to agree with our current FOP leadership, but we have shot ourselves in the foot again by posting our dirty laundry on this web site. Without us posting Mark's name on this web site; channel 32 would not have quoted this site and put Mark's name on the news. We are our own worst nightmare. If you are a member of the department and want to talk, then go to the forums section that Chris has set up. If we would not air our dirty laundry in public; ******** heads wouldn't be able to take our information and use it against us. I love our department and our people, but what I say about us is our business; it's no one's business but ours!!!! Go to the Forums Section and lets discuss it!

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 28th, 2006 @ 10:40PM (18 years ago)

I've know Mark most of my adult life. He's my best friend and brother. He's was the Best Man in my wedding (both of them - LOL). I will never forget the phone call I got from him Thursday while I sat in rush hour traffic in DC.

I hate to do this because I'm sure I will miss someone but ... I want to thank a few people for all they did (and are still doing). HNT - specifically Lisa D. - you are the best - Mark remembers your voice and your run to hug him. Sean V. - if I could have gotten here sooner from DC ... I would have been in the driveway with you, standing in the rain for all those hours. You are a ROCK SOLID friend and great Police. Major Troy R. - for your quick response to my call. SGT William B. - thanks for the call when things were settled. Also, the SWAT officers (Jason P. and others) on scene for your professionalism and restraint but most of all for treating him like a brother at the end - the hugs you gave him at the scene meant the world to him. And finally the F.O.P. - thanks for supporting Mark in his time of need.

Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.

Mark - we are all waiting fo you!


S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 29th, 2006 @ 12:03AM (18 years ago)

Who wrote this story ... many of the facts are WRONG! Also, thanks for outting Mark ... I can't believe you gave his name - you're a ******** bag!!

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 29th, 2006 @ 6:58PM (18 years ago)

Mark, anything is possible with God beside you. You and your family have and will continue to be in my prayers. My heart, thought, and prayers are with you.

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

October 31st, 2006 @ 1:59AM (18 years ago)

To all those who would "throw stones" about this Officer or the Police. I suggest you read this and know that the arena is there if you dare to enter........................

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

"Citizenship in a Republic,"

Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910

S.W.A.T Team Standoff With Officer Ends Peacefully

November 6th, 2006 @ 10:48AM (18 years ago)

I hate to start off a conversation like this, but I feel that I have to. I'm an officer who has been in the radio room before and sat in plenty of times when I was first hired as a cadet with the Jefferson County Police. Every since the new CAD system was put in place, the only dispatchers you here on the police channels have been former city dispatchers and every once in a while former county dispatchers. I've been told that the former city dispatchers haven't been crossed trained like the former county and wonder if they ever will and if the new dispatchers are receiving the same training. When it comes to professionalism, there is nothing but beckering on the radios because of officers, who ride there beats, know there boundries as compared to a new CAD system that the dispatcher believes knows what is going on better than the officer. I don't know how former city dispatchers did things but I do know that some former county actually asked officers about boundry concerns so that the issues could be CORRECTED in the CAD system. In case you haven't realized it, police personel AREN'T the only ones monitoring the radio system and none of this sounds professional at all like it should. Just like officers, there are some good former city and county dispatchers on the radio and there are some without common sence, but all in all I do appreciate all of them for the work they do as a support roll for the front line and they work hard in what they do. Now back to the point at hand. Please keep Mark and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We don't know what all he has been though and can only imagine and speculate and give our own thoughts. What matters is the truth and the hope that everything works it way out in a positive means for everyone. Get well Mark and hope to see you again soon.