LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Fatal Accident Involving LMPD Officer

RE: Fatal Accident Involving LMPD Officer

October 14th, 2006 @ 8:46PM (18 years ago)

Could the person who wrote this comment be any more of a moron! I guess Insurance investigators and ambulance chasing lawyers are better trained than the police accident reconstruction investigators. I seriously doubt it. Has this person ever seen what a car driving at 35 mph can do to a parked vehicle. It does not take much to cause that much damage. So lets quit blaming the police for every little thing that happens in this community. Wait until the investigation is over and then make your judgement.

RE: Fatal Accident Involving LMPD Officer

October 15th, 2006 @ 8:24AM (18 years ago)

Actually, the insurance companies are begging our collision investigators to join their team. The word of a police trained collision investigator always holds up better in court than that of an investigator trained at Phoenix University Online. And as far as the insurance company's investigators having more experience, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Was that intended to be funny? Did you parents ever tell you that Santa and the Easter Bunny weren't real? Sorry to shock you back to reality. Last time I checked, the police don't let very many insurance investigators come through the yellow tape into an accident scene.

Anyways, I'm sure the Heavy Hitter will come through again for the family of the deceased.

RE: Fatal Accident Involving LMPD Officer

October 27th, 2006 @ 10:46PM (18 years ago)

Judging by your comments and wording, I am more than certain you have never sped? Please don't forget that you feel officers should drive "under" the speed limit if you are ever in need and request their help. There are some areas of highways that have quick rises in the road and no where for a car to be pulled off to the side safely, so there could be other details you are not taking into account. Many of my family members are officers and they may have no value to you, but they certainly do to me and my family and to my knowledge, none of them joined the force to harm or kill anyone. Are you a member of the media? It sure sounds like it. Try doing their thankless job day in and day out for what they are paid. Bet it wouldn't last long!