Lets get your facts straight before you all start crying more. There are 23 SRO's in the school district. 13 are LMPD, the rest are JCSO, and one St. Matthews. YOUR front office applied for a grant to put the officers in the schools, NOT the retired administation at JCPS. Under the grant, extra officers were hired to fill the slots that the new SRO's had in the district. Under the grant, LMPD must keep these officers in the school or they will have to pay back the grant. The grant pays the officers
Lets get your facts straight before you all start crying more. There are 23 SRO's in the school district. 13 are LMPD, the rest are JCSO, and one St. Matthews. YOUR front office applied for a grant to put the officers in the schools, NOT the retired administation at JCPS. Under the grant, extra officers were hired to fill the slots that the new SRO's had in the district. Under the grant, LMPD must keep these officers in the school or they will have to pay back the grant. The grant pays the officers