LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Schools face shortage of resource officers


RE: Schools face shortage of resource officers

July 30th, 2005 @ 9:50AM (19 years ago)

Seeing that your time on the department starts when you are hired, your one year date is only about 2-3 months on the street solo.

RE: Schools face shortage of resource officers

July 30th, 2005 @ 2:04PM (19 years ago)

Yeah, but the current admin never knew that administration.

This whole thing is just goofy. I assume that no one is applying, which is why they are having to open it up to essentially everyone?

RE: Schools face shortage of resource officers

July 31st, 2005 @ 8:43AM (19 years ago)

OMG! They must be really desperate to back it down to the one year mark. I don't know, but isn't that a contract violation? Can they change the rules in mid stream like that?

Let' break it down even further. A new Officer goes throught the hiring process. He graduates from the academy and goes to his first assignement. He will ride 24 weeks with an FTO. 7 weeks in different districts on different platoons with 3 different FTOs and then he/she comes back to their primary FTO and finishes up with them for 3 weeks so they can evaluate what they have learned.

If they qualify(and most do) they are alowed to ride solo until they finish out their first year, go off probation and receive their first permanent assignment.

Like the previous person stated, at this stage of the game they haven't learned ow to be police officers yet. It takes years of experience to learn street smarts. I t takes years to learn and refine your skills. Sure they have the basics, but do you want the guy with a PHD in police work teaching your kid or one with a GED?

Lastly, I remember when I first got on, I couldn't wait to go to work everyday.The excitement of the street is one of the reasons that this is such a great career. You have to ask yourself, "Why would a rookie with only one year on, apply to be a hall monitor in school?" You don't have to be a cop to be able to answer that, and once again you have to ask yourself" Is this the person I want teaching my kids?"

You have to know something of your job, you have to know something of life before you can mentor others. It never fails to amaze me how the administration fais to realize that everything happens for a reason. With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

If a veterean that ihas walked the walk but wants something a little easier to wind down his career this is a perfect opportunity for him/her, but to put someone with almost no street experience and no idea how to deal with people in this job is insane.