LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Angel's that watch over us.


RE: Angel's that watch over us.

April 5th, 2005 @ 4:47PM (19 years ago)

While I wasn't being argumentative, I will enlighten you further. Firstly, the calltaker possibly wanted your address, and for you to tell her in relation to your apartment, where was this going on, For instance I'm in apartment 2, it's the apartment across the hall. That way when they got there, they could knock on the door, and make sure someone wasn't being severly injured inside. I personally have stayed on the phone with people who are in the middle of a home invasion, to be sure they get safely to the officers while some drug addict, or miscreant robs them, or worse yet, kills them. I have listened to mothers cry over their wayward children, I have listened to mothers cry over missing children. I have stayed on the phone and listened to people getting beaten up by those people that love them. Do you think if someone will beat, smack, shoot, or kill thier own children or wives, they'd have any trouble shooting the officer responding? While I work for public safety, it's my job, My job is also to make sure that the officer responding has every tool available to keep him safe from this situation. That includes backup, information, calls back to the location, calls to burglar alarm companies, and anything, and I do mean anything they require to make it safely in, and help others get safely out. Officer safety, and public safety go hand in hand. The officers put public safety above their own lives, and the reason you find us so "argumenative" is that you refuse to see these Men and Women as what they are, Human. You expect them to be super heros who rush in and save the day being immune to the laws of human nature. The world is a dangerous place for the public, it's twice as dangerous for the men and women who wear blue, because of the uniform they wear, sometimes make them a target. That's the plain truth. While most people only call the police on the rare occasion, the officers face these situations every day. To say the Officers, Dispatchers, Calltakers, Ems/Fire personnel don't take public safety seriously is a smack in the face, and an insult.