![]() Monday, February 7th, 2005
State Troopers Fatally Shoot Daviess County Man |
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State Troopers Fatally Shoot Daviess County Man
No mention of race and no spin on rogue trigger happy cops. Why is it never printed that way in the Louisville Metro shootings?
Because its reported by the Commmunist J...
20 years ago
well partly true, fayette county is abou...
20 years ago
- You are right. I stand corrected another... 20 years ago
well partly true, fayette county is abou...
20 years ago
State Troopers Fatally Shoot Daviess County Man
I wonder if the racist Coleman and his clan will be out in Philpot, KY protesting and demanding "justice" ??
i wonder if you patriotic people will be...
20 years ago
Something tells me that Trooper will be ...
20 years ago
because he'd get denied his right of fre...
20 years ago
- And the problem with that? Ha Ha 20 years ago
You are an idiot to post and believe tha...
20 years ago
- Take a chill pill. I believe these posts... 20 years ago
because he'd get denied his right of fre...
20 years ago
Something tells me that Trooper will be ...
20 years ago
State Troopers Fatally Shoot Daviess County Man
Watch what you say about that poor man! Those officers shot him in cold blood and were neglagent to his bipolar disorder. He never pointed a gun at them, they did not negotiate with him, and they didn't even know he had guns untill he fired several rounds into the baseboard of the basement bathroom (he obviously had no intention of harming anyone). Get your facts straight. That man was my father and he never pointed a gun at those troopers!!! They don't even feel remorse for what they did. My mother and I haven't recieved any apology from them.. what does that tell you? Did you ever stop to think that they screwed up and lied to save their butts???
The truth will soon be publicly known and the KSP, specifically Lonnie Bell Brett Coomes, will be put to shame!