LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

S.W.A.T Team Shake-Up

RE: S.W.A.T Team Shake-Up

January 19th, 2005 @ 5:05AM (19 years ago)

"You don't just put a bunch of people together and call them a team."

Isn't that the entire merger theme...according to the Mayor and Chief, that is exactly what you do. Why should SWAT be any different. You would think that the "16th largest city" would have a full-time SWAT team, I know it certainly could be supported. But alas, I guess the Chief does not want a group of dedicated people doing proactive law enforcement against the bottom feeders of society. What a concept!! I suppose the Chief would not have anybody to meet and associate with if LMPD put his 'ros from the hood in jail.

RE: S.W.A.T Team Shake-Up

January 19th, 2005 @ 1:43PM (19 years ago)

Apparently. I had thought that Teams 1 and 2 were integrated with both former city and county officers and the concept behind Team 1 and 2 was to alternate call-up responsibility every other month. Apparently, I had also heard that the concept behind keeping two teams within the TEAM was so that everyone could keep their positions after merger.