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Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

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Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 6th, 2004 @ 11:05AM (19 years ago)

this is typical for the "communist-journal". i would like to know the names and salary of every single one of their employees.

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 6th, 2004 @ 1:16PM (19 years ago)

What gets me is that there are officers who still support that rag by either subscribing to or purchasing it.

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 6th, 2004 @ 1:17PM (19 years ago)

I think it is absolutely uncalled for to let someone with no business at all know how much money I make. I noticed the Courier posted a comment in the article about the salaries from spokes weanie Chad Carlton, but they didn't post his salary. I looked it up:

Mayor's Office Carlton,Chad H Dir Communications $86,702.20

I was curious why we need to pay someone so much money who produces nothing but a snide comment every once in awhile.

The article also intigued me by pointing out that ALL of the savings promised by merger by then candidate Jerry Abramson have been lost. Jerry campaigned by saying we have two of everything and we need to get rid of the excess.

What Jerry got rifd of was about 130 low paid empoyees and he has put metro government in the red by hiring his cronies and so called experts from ourt of town. I didn't realize that Native Louisvillians were so stupid and inbred that we couldn't find local talent for any of the top jobs in Jerry's cabinet.

Jerry Abramson is a snake oil salesman, he is a con artist of extrordinary talent. When he told all of the unions that everyone would take a 0% raise in the first year of new contracts he obviously didn't include his cronies.

One thing the Courier didn't print thaat I feel should be mentioned is that all of his cronies, Deputy Mayors, etc.. also have take home gas guzzling SUVs. We are talking $60,000.00 cars.

I understand why police have take home cars, crime prevention, helping stranded motorists, etc.. but why does a spokes weanie or numbers cruncher need not only a take home car, but a sixty thousand dollar one?

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 6th, 2004 @ 3:26PM (19 years ago)

As an employee of Metro Corrections I was shocked to see that every single city employee is listed with name and salary. While there is a law that allows the CJ to do this it still doesn't make it right.

Thanks CJ for listing my name along with everyone else that protects and serves this community. I'm sure the thugs appreciate it. All they have to do is pull up the site and make a hit list for every city employee that has ********** them off.

I wonder when the city is going to get a real newspaper. Sigh.

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 6th, 2004 @ 4:58PM (19 years ago)

So you need a grand jury subpoena to obtain someones taxable income and tax records BUT the courier journal is going to publish MY information with NO regard for my or my families safety... Thanks COURIER JOURNAL, again you have managed to lower your standards...

My bet is that your staff can expect cold shoulders from the "front line" next time you want help...

- TS

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 7th, 2004 @ 9:57AM (19 years ago)

When I ran my name through the website, I found a salary that is outdated. I have long since received a significant seniority raise from whenever it was that the communist journal obtained these numbers. Just to confirm my theory, I looked up the names of several police officers that retired months ago, and sure enough they are still listed.

Good grief, you would think that they would make a better attempt to actually be halfway accurate with their information.

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 8th, 2004 @ 10:12AM (19 years ago)

As a Public employee, I not only appreciate your comments, but also agree with them. I felt a sense of invasion of privacy having my name and salary put out there. I also feel that if someone wishes to have that knowledge then they can apply one on one. Your description of the Courier Journal is also correct. It should be on the news stand at a grocery store. Thank you for your honest opinion that I feel more people have, but do not wish to make public. But we are public employees.

Your article was very refreshing.

Maggie Eggleston

Senior Corrections Technician

Metro Corrections

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 9th, 2004 @ 3:53PM (19 years ago)


Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

December 15th, 2004 @ 11:38PM (19 years ago)

The cold hard truth is, Media outlets could give a ********** less about the journalism and if it is correct or fair, they care about the bottom line as most CORPORATIONS do - MONEY. They care about the advertising dollar and that is it! Managers come and go like the seasons. Very few are from here and know our community. If you will notice, the quality of the C-J journalism has basically sucked since it left the Bingham family owned and operated and is now o&o by a corporation somewhere else, miles away within the country. Same with WHAS-TV. You think the managers sitting in their cozy BELO skyscraper office in Dallas, TX gives a ********** about LMPD or our community? Hell no, all they are concerned about is if their station is making money. If not the station will be tossed around in another monkey jerk for a Corp. to pick up. Stay safe gang!

Courier-Journal Publishes Officers Names and Salaries

January 10th, 2005 @ 1:44PM (19 years ago)

I also disagree with the posting of our salaries on the web. If you look at the average officers pay, the ones that are out on the streets day in and day out, working nights, holidays and etc., you'll notice one important detail. "We don't make that much money". Not when you consider we deal with scumbags on a daily basis, have a real possible chance of being murdered by thugs every time we put on the uniform, and not to mention have to deal with a community and it's leaders that, for some reason, hate us. Someone doing the same type of work, dealing with the same type of issues we deal with in the civilian sector could easily expect to earn much, much more money. I don't subscibe to the CJ, and refuse to work offduty, which I have to work off duty because I don't make enough not to, for them either. I say boycott everything you can that is associated with them and their kind.