LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

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Notable Quotes

November 18th, 2004 @ 8:35PM (19 years ago)

The chief respond??? Good luck!

Notable Quotes

November 18th, 2004 @ 8:40PM (19 years ago)

His lies are starting to catch up to him. There is an old addage that once you tell a lie, you have to keep telling them in order to cover your initial lie. Chief White has been trapped by the news media in many lies now. I hope the FOP keeps exposing them as soon as they come out.

I think he made an additional comment about we won't allow murderes on the police department also. Did anyone else catch that?

If so, I suppose he is talking about McKenzie Mattingly. McKenzie was found innocent by a jury here in Jefferson County. Just because Chief White wants to call him a murderer when everyone else agrees he is innocent just proves one step further how he is predispossed to find officers guilty just because he doesn't like them or what they were forced to do. Did it ever occur to you that had you not decentralized that FLEX detectives from the south end wouldn't have been trying to work in the west end because the street crimes and narcotics units would have been on top of the situation? I guess we can chalk up Michael Newby's death on your shoulders also.

This is going well beyond incompetance, his actions are criminal and his behavior is unconscionable. He has lied at every turn and tried to cover up the FACT that the citizens and officers of Louisville are at risk because of his actions.

Chief White, YOU NEED TO RESIGN! You are a disgrace to the badge. You are a disgrace to the community.


November 18th, 2004 @ 11:18PM (19 years ago)

Chief white you were quoted on TV saying "Richard Dotson has not picked up the phone and expressed those problems to me" THAT IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS IN YOUR OFFICE, or are you gonna say "Oh he was in my office, but I said "PHONE", thats not a lie. Now is that "UNTRUTHFULNESS"? Are you gonna hold yourself accountable? Will you ever give the written reprimands for chargeable accidents to yourself and your command staff? You speak of honor and accountability, lead by example!

Notable Quotes

November 19th, 2004 @ 8:51AM (19 years ago)

"You can't take drugs and be the police, and I'm not backing off those things."

* We couldn't agree more, and we will dive further into this issue in the near future.

What is up with this one?

Notable Quotes

November 19th, 2004 @ 9:36AM (19 years ago)

I think the evaluation of your leadership migt become evident when you look over your left shoulder and find that your standing there alone. Get a reality check and do the right think, resign. Your leadership skills or lack there of have been evidenced in your previous commands and the immediate "falling away" from everything adapted under your commnad when you left. You were placed in your position simply to qualm civil unrest, one kneejerk reaction has lead to many, each have proven futile. You are not the right person for the position that you hold and you disgrace the reutations of those whom have previously sat in your chair.

Your tenior shall be reflected as the darkest days of the LMPD, and the worst provision of service to our community.

Notable Quotes

November 19th, 2004 @ 6:49PM (19 years ago)

Nad this is the guy running the police department????

Who checked his background before he was hired???

Why does the Mayor not make a acomment about this??

Have the news channels looked into this??

So its good for the gnader but not good for the goose. Eh chief White??

Robert Semple


Notable Quotes

November 19th, 2004 @ 6:54PM (19 years ago)

I heard on the news tonight that the Chief had already asked for the Mayor for more money and the Mayor had already agreed. What a bunch of ********! I owuld be interested in seeing the dated memos, e-mails or whatever of this. I can't believe he keeps on lying. It has come to the point that everyone will be able to tell when the Chief is lying form now on, #1 he will call a press conference and #2 his lips will be moving!

Notable Quotes

November 19th, 2004 @ 11:23PM (19 years ago)

You got to be kidding me

Notable Quotes

November 21st, 2004 @ 12:57PM (19 years ago)


(1) Chief White's decentralization by eliminating STREET CRIMES/GANG UNIT. Was it not after this decentralization that the murder rate increased? He says "Do the numbers warrant us doing something even different that we're doing? I don't think so." He will not admit he made a big mistake. If it was such a good idea why did his former department put back units after he left.

(2) Chief White & LT. Joe Dotson play down the idea that gangs and drugs are the problem. LT. Dotson dismisses the idea that gang activity is on the increase because his DATABASE has only 600 gang members.

Joe, there is no fulltime gang unit tracking the gang members and the districts ARE NOT submitting many new members. GET YOU HEAD OUT OF THE SAND GUYS, GANGS AND DRUGS GO TOGETHER. If you will check with the Department of Justice they can school you two on this.

(3) Tim Barry of the housing authority says relocation of gang members has no effect on the current murder rate. Tim, you need to speak with major city's in California about this problem. What factory sealed box did you fall out of? (4) Hey Chief White, the paper shows St. Louis is having a major murder rate increase this year. Why don't you leave here and go help them out with your ideas!

Notable Quotes

November 22nd, 2004 @ 11:04PM (19 years ago)

What happened to the story about mis-use of funds concerning the metro fleet? That was a great find. That should be posted again!!!

Notable Quotes

November 23rd, 2004 @ 12:56AM (19 years ago)


Notable Quotes

November 23rd, 2004 @ 4:58AM (19 years ago)

If he would have only ran for mayor of DC, they could have got a pot smoking mayor and we would have gotten someone else. Please anyone else, hell I would even be happy for Jerry for chief, he's the chief anyway and us taxpayers would be saving 100K a year having a mayor and chief all in one person.

Leadership vacuum

November 24th, 2004 @ 12:11AM (19 years ago)

Here are some famous quotes from people who actually know something about leading people:

"The only test of leadership is that somebody follows." - Robert K. Greenleaf

"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes." - Peter Drucker

It's too bad the Chief and Mayor pick the department's leaders based on political loyalty above all else. We need experienced and qualified Captains running the districts and major units. We don't need incompetent micro-management by those who never truly earned the rank they wear or those who've proven they don't deserve to wear it anymore.

The Council needs to cap the number of poltiical positions like Majors and Lieutenant Colonels and make the City select Captains to run the Districts and the major units. There's no good reason the Council can't reinstate the use of Captains, the gang units and other detective positions through legislation.

The Council should get more involved in fixing this department. They won't be able to simply wash their hands and blame it all on White and Abramson if things continue as they are. It's time for the Council to take matters into their own hands.