LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Is Metro Louisville Safe?

RE: Is Metro Louisville Safe?

October 22nd, 2004 @ 8:25AM (20 years ago)

Nice writing

RE: Is Metro Louisville Safe?

October 22nd, 2004 @ 10:10AM (20 years ago)

Thank you!That was a very nice article and as a citizen of this community I realize that the position of police officer isn't a job. A job is where you go in, do the assigned work , get coffe and lunch breaks and come home. Everything is the same most of the time. Police seldom can say they do the same thing day after day. one of the consitencies they do is protect our community and answer our calls for help. I want to know that when one of us calls for help someone will come right away. I don't want to fill out a request form and wait. I want our police to be the best trained, best equiped officers in the country. I want the Police department that can comfort a child that is crying yet be able to stand toe to toe with the meanest thug that is breaking in to a house. I guess I'm asking a lot, but again if we expect so much of our officers maybe we should compensate them too. It is shameful that this two faced mayor meets with drug dealers but is never seen doing anything with the police officers that he is technically the boss of.

RE: Is Metro Louisville Safe?

October 22nd, 2004 @ 1:42PM (20 years ago)

your children will be taken care of by us, check us out and encourage everyone you know to become a member, we have payroll deduction for all LMPD Officers www.SupportingHeroes.org