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2004 Labaor Contract Passes

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2004 Labaor Contract Passes

September 23rd, 2004 @ 7:20PM (20 years ago)

Now that the contract vote has passed and the contract, from what we understand isn't finallized, additions can still be added from the mayor or the FOP onto it since the only thing about the contract that we voted on is a "Tentative Agreement Summary" and not a finalized contract. Is that correct or no?

2004 Labaor Contract Passes

September 24th, 2004 @ 10:08AM (20 years ago)

I am surprised that the contract proposal passed, since in the history of the FOP, every proposal "recommended" or "endorsed" by the bargaining committee has somehow managed to pass.

In the interest of openness and fairness to all the members, post the number of votes for the proposal and the number of votes against it here on the website. It would also be a show of faith to NOT destroy the ballots until the next general meeting and everyone can decide.

Although I respect the efforts of the bargaining committee and I have no doubt that they fought the good fight, this contract comes up short. The Mayor, the city and the community repeatedly have said and demonstrated that they hold us to a higher standard so our contract should reflect that higher standard as well.

We don't deserve a ZERO in any year. Is that the opinion regarding our efforts and worth this year? ZERO? I just hope the community doesn't fall victim to the old addage "You get what you pay for"

For those of you who voted YES, I hope you think it was worth it during the next civil distrubance, or during your next 16 hour tour of West Broadway, or while you are being indicted for doing your job, or when you are being sued, etc...

Why are we so afraid of fighting for what we want? Would another year hurt? After all we just said another year w/out a raise is OK.

-D. Gray

Sixth District

2004 Labaor Contract Passes

September 24th, 2004 @ 8:23PM (20 years ago)

I can't figure out how anyone can say we lost on this. No your math is wrong. Zero, Two and Two does add up albeit slowly. Apparently some of you have never witnessed the amazing coincidence that the 3% raises that Jerry always gave us in the past that were ALWAYS eaten up by insurance premiums going up tremendously every November during open enrollment. When the departments merges for the first time I had a contract that guaranteed I was being held to a higher standared at least in health bennefits. What did Jerry do? Is your memory that short? He tried to take away our insurance while we had a contract stating we were no better than anyone else and the FOP defeated his illegal try at taking away our hard earned bennefit.

Now that we have guaranteed these same high quality plans for very low cost to the insividuals some people are still complaining. Get over it! Figure out what 25 or 50 % (what other city employees pay of one of these plans and you'll soon realize that it is a much higher percentage raise than you think.

Quit gripping and get over it! The majority chose the obvious better route rather than to reject it and rely on this idiot mayor not to strip these plans and make you pay huge premiums in November. 3 1/2 years of a good deal or take a chance on Jerry's past history of screwing us, it doesn;t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

2004 Labaor Contract Passes

September 27th, 2004 @ 6:49PM (20 years ago)

thank you

I am glad there are more people out there that think along the same lines of get off your duff and help formyour own destiny, don't wait for someone else to do it for you.

2004 Labaor Contract Passes

September 29th, 2004 @ 4:38PM (20 years ago)


2004 Labaor Contract Passes

October 4th, 2004 @ 2:30PM (20 years ago)

by Anonymous on Oct 03, 2004 - 08:34 PM

Cowards I guess your the guy who comes to the meetings and asked to sit on the committee and FIGHT for OUR CONTRACT OH I GUESS YOU DID NOT REALIZE THAT ALL THE COWARDS THAT ARE ON THE COMMITTEE ride a beat and work 2 jobs. So when you are calling people out my fellow brother in blue remember we all want the best for ourselves and family. Oh by the way the FOP is on Price ln. Meetings are the 3rd tuesday of EVERY MONTH. And that 46 dollars, gets you LEGAL DEFENSE look it up and ask some our brothers what a defense costs these days. Ask our brother from corrections who did not belong to the FOP who had to sell his house, car and ripped his family apart. I can understand anyone who made the time to go out to the info meetings and still did not like what they saw in the contract but those who heard about the next three years from some half brain at court I got some great investments for you.

By the way COWARD ask the Chief Who fought to keep GPS out of all the cars. And stop him from MASS TRANSFERS AT WILL. GET INFORMED AND INVOLVED BEFORE YOU MAKE SOME IGNORANT STATEMENTS.

2004 Labaor Contract Passes

October 9th, 2004 @ 2:17AM (20 years ago)

This is the best comment I have seen on this site yet. The problem is that we live in a politically correct society that has trained some officers into thinking if you make waves, well your going to ruin your career. You have alot more lazy individuals playing arm chair quarterback when in retrospect, they never get out of the chair to make a difference. When the day comes when this dept. and others stand tall and united and endorse another candidate for Mayor, thats the day when changes will come. This event will never happen, just keep complaining and worry about your career and playing armchair QB. Its really sad. Where's Norma Rae (lol)