LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Dwindling backup from LMPD, financial incentives lead to east Louisville police merger


RE: Dwindling backup from LMPD, financial incentives lead to...

September 5th, 2022 @ 12:45PM (2 years ago)

Oh, so now you conveniently forget what I do for a living, seeing as I've already posted a check stub just to rub it in your peon faces.

And faux pandemic, lol. Just can't deal with reality, huh?

RE: Dwindling backup from LMPD, financial incentives lead to...

September 5th, 2022 @ 1:17PM (2 years ago)

Totally true. Democrats are the party of dependency. I rarely meet a vocal or politically active democrat whose primary motivation in life isn't getting their monthly check from the government, whether that's a government or university paycheck, social assistance, or disability check. The ones who do have private sector jobs usually have a history of substance abuse or are warped from being raised by their very bad or completely absent parents. Their abusive daddies made a lot of them hate men so much they want to kill every unborn baby in the womb to prove their feminist independence.

"Democrat" is more a symptom of sociological and psychological ills than a party.