LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville Police Merit Board upholds firing of Joshua Jaynes for lying in Breonna Taylor warrant


RE: Louisville Police Merit Board upholds firing of Joshua Jaynes...

July 27th, 2021 @ 11:10AM (3 years ago)

She and her command are too wet behind the ears to recall the identical ideas trotted out for media consumption by White and Conrad. Both of them had various forums where they tried to pull the community leaders, feds and prosecutors into a combined effort, but none of them gave more than lip service. Conrad announced Operation Trust with a bunch of feds standing behind him at the podium in 2015, but it died on the vine. A few years later he tried again with their next group of leaders and called it LMINTEL. The Chiefs since merger have always looked to them to take the lead, while disbanding and transferring away the detectives who actually knew what they were doing. They have nowhere near the number of people here that LMPD has and those people work have been working in a narrow niche of enforcement since at least 2001.

LMPD's only chance is trying to emulate the literal handful of cities this size that have handled violent crime well. That would require changing many things back to the way they were handled by LPD before merger. The blame belongs mostly on Fischer's bad ideas for how to run Metro, his micromanaging leadership style, and the state deciding to set free the so-called "non-violent criminals". A lot of those non-violent criminals are actually violent criminals who only got convicted of non-violent offenses thanks to plea bargains from weak prosecutors and judges. Back when they were getting sent away for persistent felony offender routinely, crime was a lot lower.

RE: Louisville Police Merit Board upholds firing of Joshua Jaynes...

July 27th, 2021 @ 11:24AM (3 years ago)

Here's when Conrad tried what she's trying now back in 2015. The mysterious phantomforce called Operation Trust. Whatever they did remains cloaked in secrecy. Perhaps VIPER's, Operation Trust's and LMINTEL's voluminous arrest files are locked away somewhere in a military reservation in a remote part of the western desert.

The only thing that actually came from all that was the re-organized west end flex platoon called 9th Mobile. The east and south end lost their flex platoons to make up for the lack of patrol staffing.