LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville civilian review board bill dead in the Kentucky legislature, sponsor says


RE: Louisville civilian review board bill dead in the Kentucky...

April 1st, 2021 @ 9:49AM (3 years ago)

The good old boy moderate Kentucky Democrats have been replaced by the woke virtue signalling far left and their appeasers taking both Louisville and Lexington on the crazy train to being the next Baltimore.

It's the same types of people in charge now in both cities and the Governor's office. Half-wit sons and grandsons of rich guys, who were never as smart or willing to put in long hours as their daddies. They'd rather cash in the family business and go into politics because there's no talent required, other than the talent of mass deception. They are assisted by social justice warrior activists, failed non-practicing lawyers and long-time "professional students who spent $250,000 of either taxpayer's or daddy's money on a useless degree no employer needs. They find no shortage of ambitious sycophantic untalented law enforcement officers who ran from the units arresting scary criminals to the first desk job they could find who are willing to do or say anything for them in a command position.

All these people are very eager to force their bad ideas on the real world they always avoided, bankrupt and corrupt our society with leftist ideas, make your neighborhood dangerous and drive both jobs and taxpayers to more rural counties.

The saving grace of this state right now was Kentucky voters deciding to hand power in the state legislature to Republicans after watching Andy Beshear and Greg Fischer do nothing but fail.