LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Two officers fired by Police Chief Erika Shields over Atlanta tasing are reinstated


RE: Two officers fired by Police Chief Erika Shields over Atlanta...

March 30th, 2021 @ 12:35PM (4 years ago)

Lil Nas X is gay...one would think his heart would be softer...

RE: Two officers fired by Police Chief Erika Shields over Atlanta...

March 31st, 2021 @ 11:12AM (4 years ago)
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That part where Nas acted like a gay stripper in hell giving Satan a lap dance in his music video gave him away.

Anyone familiar with hollywood celebrities knows a lot of them are freaks into drugs, pedophilia, the satanic occult, and a lot of other horrible things. They're a lot like politicians. YouTube makes his satanic gay sex video available to any 9 year old to watch without verifying they're an adult. It's the mainstream religion of Hollywood.

The mainstream media, which Hollywood owns, won't talk about any of this. Just like they never talked about the armed pentagram-wearing Satanists after the BLM park shooting last summer. You don't have to go far to find examples proving "conspiracy theories" to be accurate.