Fact: Inner city black people murdering their own and other people every day is a bigger problem than inner city black people being discriminated against. Now try writing a report about the bigger problems in this city, you virtue signalling douchebags. https://www.wdrb.com/news/lmpd-review-to-be-released-thursday-afternoon/article_5853cd52-619a-11eb-9cc0-dfae75839cc4.html
Fact: Inner city black people murdering their own and other people every day is a bigger problem than inner city black people being discriminated against. Now try writing a report about the bigger problems in this city, you virtue signalling douchebags. https://www.wdrb.com/news/lmpd-review-to-be-released-thursday-afternoon/article_5853cd52-619a-11eb-9cc0-dfae75839cc4.html