You are witnesses a full court press by the democrat side to make everyone forget about the fraud in the election. They spent all of last year paying for and publicly supporting the riots aimed at LMPD officers and officers across the country. Now they claim to be the party of law and order when it's time to arrest republicans. The guys at the front of the riot in Washington were wearing the standard Antifa uniforms, black helmet and black hoodies, and smashing windows with hammers which they do
You are witnesses a full court press by the democrat side to make everyone forget about the fraud in the election. They spent all of last year paying for and publicly supporting the riots aimed at LMPD officers and officers across the country. Now they claim to be the party of law and order when it's time to arrest republicans. The guys at the front of the riot in Washington were wearing the standard Antifa uniforms, black helmet and black hoodies, and smashing windows with hammers which they do