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Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna Taylor shooting


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Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 6th, 2021 @ 4:06PM (4 years ago)

good riddance to these pieces of ****.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 7th, 2021 @ 11:41AM (4 years ago)

Don't you worry, Mayor Fischer. Everyone knows it's been you making every significant decision r egarding LMPD since you got elected. You can rotate your supply of highly diverse sockpuppets around to take the hit for everything you're deciding but nobody's fooled. You, similarly to your drug dealing street gang leader counterparts a few blocks away, are the shot caller. You're particularly adept at suckering ambitious career ladder climbing women to be your lackey so they can fulfill their dreams of being a bigtime law enforcement bosslady. It's a sham though. They probably can't even take a pee without you approving it.

The 10% of the population of Louisville who bothered to show up to vote for Mayor are mostly concerned about getting some kind of handout and auto-vote for whoever the Democrat is. This minority of people has dictated for many years how Louisville is run. If certain neighborhoods hate police and don't care that their streets have turned into little Baghdad, then neither should we. Someone from LMPD will always show up to fill out the paperwork and process the scene when their kid grows up to be a short-lived gangster.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 12th, 2021 @ 3:12PM (4 years ago)
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Kristen Clarke, Biden's choice to lead the DOJ's Civil Rights Division, has some truly wild theories about racial differences:

"Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities -- something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards."

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 13th, 2021 @ 10:21AM (4 years ago)
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Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 15th, 2021 @ 8:34AM (4 years ago)
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I dint know why this guy thought he could enter the US Capitol and not suffer any negative consequences. He should've done the smart thing like Kentucky State Representative Attica Scott, and set fire to the Library of Congress.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 17th, 2021 @ 1:37AM (4 years ago)

G.I. Joe Live | A Real American Hero (Full Episodes) | Live Now Hasbro Live Stream

A public service announcement

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 20th, 2021 @ 10:45AM (4 years ago)
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Here comes the woke millennial democrat secret police straight from the east coast law school to question why you made comments about Biden's cabinet appointee being a man dressed like a woman, you racist klansman, because all Trumpists must be purged!!!! All are terrorists!!!

If you want to keep your job, you will publicly disavow Trump while wearing a dunce cap like in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, start having gay sex and volunteer to hand out lemonade at the next planned BLM riot

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 21st, 2021 @ 1:14AM (4 years ago)


No examples of any much-feared much-talked about right wing "insurrectionists", but leftists rioted in several cities, attacked police and even vandalized the democrat party headquarters in Oregon.

Hardly any mentions in mainstream news. None of the democrats so worried about "insurrection" bothered to talk about their state headquarters being attacked by their own voters.

Didn't take long for them to go back to ignoring politically motivated violence, did it?

Random query

January 21st, 2021 @ 6:13PM (4 years ago)

Is Ms. Parrish-Wright high...a lot?

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 22nd, 2021 @ 1:07PM (4 years ago)


LMPD and FBI appear headed in the same directions. Both are run with an extreme degree of democrat political interference in their activities. They tell LMPD to not enforce the law. They tell FBI to go after guardsmen with Trump rally pictures on their Facebook page and the guy who ran the conservative equivalent of Twitter. Even going so far as to target his wife because she's Russian.

Nobody should be surprised the day you show up to a jury, with what used to be a slam dunk case, and the jury hangs or votes not guilty because you work for an agency they quit trusting to be professional.

When you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. Once you cross the line into being a political lackey, you can never go back.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 25th, 2021 @ 9:39AM (4 years ago)
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Russia 1917-1959 66,700,000 dead.

USSR 1959-1978 3,000,000 dead

China. 1949-1978 63,784,000 dead

Cambodia 1975-1978 2,500,000 dead

Putting a pair of mittens on socialism doesn't make it cute.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 25th, 2021 @ 6:54PM (4 years ago)


Shields's "Highlands test" is cheap political virtue signaling and a smear of her own department. If west end gangsters want to be treated like somebody runing a red light in the Highlands, then tell them to quit firing full auto weapons at each other and quit murdering people every day.

As most predicted, she's another useless hot air waste of space political lackey brought in to be Fischer's pretend Boss B1tch while he micromanages the department like it's his own security guard service.

Democrat cities deserve to be completely emptied out of taxpayers fleeing the danger, police fleeing the ineptitude and employers fleeing the taxes and shutdowns. You made the bed, so sleep in it. The majority vote of Louisville did it to themselves.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 28th, 2021 @ 11:01AM (4 years ago)

Wondering how Republicans got the idea to impeach the governor? 4 years of non-stop 24/7 anti-Trump propaganda from the national media tacitly supporting the left's rioting, attacking conservatives in public, calling Trump a dictator, and calling for the repeated impeachment of the President didn't go unnoticed by conservatives. Neither did the last 20 years of Democrats contesting election results on the floor of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.

Eventually the other side gets the idea they should be doing some of the same things.

Despite the alarmist DHS warning recently issued by the Washington democrats, we all know there is only one side, the left, presenting all of the threats of political violence to date with the exception of a riot at the Capitol. It only took 1 riot for the Washington democrats to call in 30,000 troops. They didn't do a damn thing about the left destroying 3 dozen democrat cities' last summer. Didn't see any FBI billboards with Antifa peoples pictures after they murdered that guy in Portland or attacked the federal buildings there for weeks. Washington democrats aren't even trying to hide their biases anymore.

There are a lot more people than Andy Beshear who need to be fired and people will remember this when Republicans win it back in 2022 after Biden finishes destroying the US economy.

Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 29th, 2021 @ 10:19AM (4 years ago)
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Fact: Inner city black people murdering their own and other people every day is a bigger problem than inner city black people being discriminated against.

Now try writing a report about the bigger problems in this city, you virtue signalling douchebags.


Louisville police fire 2 detectives, others disciplined, in Breonna...

January 30th, 2021 @ 11:48AM (4 years ago)
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There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.

― George W. Bush