LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police chief's criticism casts doubt on Metro Council plan to restrict LMPD's use of force


RE: Police chief's criticism casts doubt on Metro Council plan...

December 2nd, 2020 @ 2:13PM (3 years ago)

Fischer and Beshear's appeasing rhetoric towards the radical leftist racebaiting mob and their telling police to stand down encouraged the riots to decimate Louisville's businesses and Metro's tax base. Remember this phrase "get woke, go broke". It applies to the residents of any area controlled by woke democrats too.

The retired and current sworn FOP members who voted for Beshear while crying "Bevin's going to short me $12 on my pension" are now watching the tax base collapse as a direct result of the democrats they put in office.

When CERS finally does start running short of money from too many retirees supported by too few working people paying too little into the fund, neither the state nor Metro will be able to bail them out. The money won't be there. Don't expect Tier 2 or Tier 3 people to stick around to pay a higher contribution either. The economic ruin that Joe Biden's about to create in next 4 years will make sure the federal government's isn't going to help.

After watching this turn of events, I never want to give another dime to the FOP so they can put idiot past Governor's sons into office to secure themselves a cush job in Richmond or finance their drinking sprees at the national convention.

RE: Police chief's criticism casts doubt on Metro Council plan...

December 7th, 2020 @ 12:42AM (3 years ago)

Fischer makes these ridiculous statements, but refuses to explain the 'How and Why' to back up his unsubstantiated claims. If he really thinks that racism is a health crisis in Possibility City, then maybe he should begin his crusade by publicly criticizing BLM. I've seen more overt racism coming from BLM in the past seven months than I've ever seen from anybody in this town, for as long as I can remember.