LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Breonna Taylor, Bad Luck And The Law Of Association


RE: Breonna Taylor, Bad Luck And The Law Of Association

October 8th, 2020 @ 9:55AM (4 years ago)

It's not how I'd have done the warrant, but that woman is dead only because a shot was fired at police serving a warrant and they returned fire. All the other errors they may have made are a matter for PSU and had no bearing on her being killed. Investigative units handle those kinds of warrants routinely across America without SWAT being involved, so he's wrong there. The opinion of 1 guy is just that, 1 guy's opinion. There are plenty of other SWAT-trained officers who could testify that there was nothing about her or her apartment indicating SWAT was needed. She was a low risk suspect by anyone's estimation, since she was just the one hanging on to the money or renting cars for her drug dealing co-conspirators.