LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Breonna Taylor, Bad Luck And The Law Of Association


RE: Breonna Taylor, Bad Luck And The Law Of Association

October 7th, 2020 @ 10:34AM (4 years ago)

The white and black liberals alike would call what was said in the previous post "racist" or something from the KKK. Malcolm X said all the same things as are in that post at one time or another. It doesn't require wearing a klan hood to recognize that democrats are still the party primarily responsible for oppressing the black race today, except they do it through insidious means, appearing to be the friend of black people.

There's nobody in the Republican camp that I know of that is nearly as racist as democrats are as a group. Even the ignorant white trash guy in the pickup yelling the n-word is less racist, and less destructive, than rich white liberals systematically oppressing blacks through family-destroying social welfare handout systems. Telling women they have to kick the man out of the house or they won't get all of that free check. Emasculating black men by reducing fatherhood to an act of intercourse to spawn fatherless children. Making poor black neighborhoods too dangerous to even live in by releasing all the killers and dope dealers on the streets. That is the real racism.

I realize this isn't the pro-cop rant you were expecting, but this is what the discussion needs to shift to in order to wake people up from the spell democrats have put on them for the last 50 years.