LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may result in charges


RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 18th, 2020 @ 1:01PM (4 years ago)

Who are they?

RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 18th, 2020 @ 2:41PM (4 years ago)

Are you saying that random motorists are being targeted?

Is this related to the shooting on I-264 on Sunday?

RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 18th, 2020 @ 3:53PM (4 years ago)

Homicide's press conference was thoroughly non-enlightening. Does saying "we don't know anything" count as "addressed"? Does a steadily increasing homicide rate now gone off the charts count as a "spike"?

They don't deserve all the blame. It will always be a lot harder for Homicide to clear cases when the department has never had a handle on the gang situation or on violent radicals. He should complain to whoever's been running the Criminal Interdiction Division.
