The below news article while exactly what Louisville needs is to get rid of the single most worst, spineless, could care less about the average or poor people in Louisville mayor of our lifetime. If you are not from Fischers highland neighborhood or part of his upper crust crew then he gives a shitz less. Too many die-hard idiots who will never vote this idiot out and too many are spineless. That vampire council woman Sexton Smith is one of Fischer cronies and part of his elitist puppets. You will
The below news article while exactly what Louisville needs is to get rid of the single most worst, spineless, could care less about the average or poor people in Louisville mayor of our lifetime. If you are not from Fischers highland neighborhood or part of his upper crust crew then he gives a shitz less. Too many die-hard idiots who will never vote this idiot out and too many are spineless. That vampire council woman Sexton Smith is one of Fischer cronies and part of his elitist puppets. You will