LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may result in charges


RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 11th, 2020 @ 7:35PM (4 years ago)
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Just did a search. Not one mention on ABC, CBS, NBC or the Huffington Post. Absolutely horrifying.

RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 11th, 2020 @ 8:21PM (4 years ago)


RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 11th, 2020 @ 8:45PM (4 years ago)

Google maintains an internal database of search terms that they ban from search results. Google has people monitoring the internet 24/7 for "hate speech" and they interpret hate speech to include the names of black men who murder white children. Google's President and the Vice President for Search were born in India, where companies can do anything they feel like anytime they feel like it, and they don't have freedom of speech.

You can find the boy's name when you search for that term and some conservative, British and local news articles come up.

Read more about Google and their subsidiary Youtube here
