If LMPD had any competent leadership, which they do not, they would have been training officers on how to fight in the streets and issued level 4 body armor and kevlar helmets to everyone. They do not have competent leadership. If the NFAC starts shooting and burning, the real leaders will be those who have served in combat. Only combat veterans are prepared to handle the problem in the appropriate tactical manner. Everyone else can gather up the ones who try to run away, which will probably be
If LMPD had any competent leadership, which they do not, they would have been training officers on how to fight in the streets and issued level 4 body armor and kevlar helmets to everyone. They do not have competent leadership. If the NFAC starts shooting and burning, the real leaders will be those who have served in combat. Only combat veterans are prepared to handle the problem in the appropriate tactical manner. Everyone else can gather up the ones who try to run away, which will probably be