LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may result in charges


RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 10th, 2020 @ 10:28AM (5 years ago)

The shooters are mostly godless heathen west end black men and youth raised by criminals on the streets because the welfare system pushed their daddies out of the home. Welfare creates single mom households having lots of kids by different men. They can't control their kids so they end up dead or in prison by age 20. A smaller number come from good homes, but their parents still can't control them because they're pulled into gang life while attending the failed JCPS schools. Even if you arrest them, the liberal judges let them back out in days to commit more crimes, until they end up being arrested for murder or the feds get them and they do real time. That's assuming another gang member or dude they have a beef with doesn't put a few rounds through them before they go to prison.

It's a bad situation all around in the west end and will never be fixed so long as democrats run this city, the criminal justice system, the public schools and the welfare agencies. Democrats created it but can't fix it.

RE: 3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge...

August 11th, 2020 @ 1:38AM (5 years ago)

3 murder victims on Monday. If 2X's numbers are correct, that makes #94 this year. Mayor, do you have any plans to let the police department return to doing proactive policing any time soon?