![]() Monday, July 27th, 2020
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may result in charges |
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3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

American politicians and high appointees have turned their back on officers. They've turned their back on the US Constitution. They've turned their back on their responsibilities to maintain domestic security. They've turned their back on every law abiding American. Through their repeated failures to respond to these threats to our Constitutional republic, they are helping America's domestic enemies who destroy our cities and commit acts of heinous violence.
We must stop the communist revolution. It is time we set aside our petty differences among fellow patriots and unify with them to put an end to the scourge sweeping our country.
Quotes from John Jay Fitzgerald Johnson ...
5 years ago
The fact that the FBI hasn't arrested th...
5 years ago
He's a cult leader too. Look at his nice...
5 years ago
He's a cult leader too. Look at his nice...
5 years ago
The fact that the FBI hasn't arrested th...
5 years ago
- Surely a few people might be upset at th... 5 years ago
YouTube Video
5 years ago
time to start shooting these bastards
5 years ago
- The democrat-run cities can barely manag... 5 years ago
- That's what usually happens in cities wh... 5 years ago
time to start shooting these bastards
5 years ago
Fischer, Beshear and their fellow leftis...
5 years ago
5 years ago
Nobody has any faith in law enforcement ...
5 years ago
The American public has always had a fic...
5 years ago
- Exactly right. The relationship has been... 5 years ago
- A lot of people have always supported la... 5 years ago
- WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 years ago
The general public should not be confuse...
5 years ago
The NFAC should understand that if they ...
5 years ago
- What???? Since when is anyone allowed to... 5 years ago
- They think wearing those masks will keep... 5 years ago
- You are absolutely correct. The vast maj... 5 years ago
The NFAC should understand that if they ...
5 years ago
The American public has always had a fic...
5 years ago
YouTube Video
5 years ago
- Communism never really went away. It wen... 5 years ago
- Drive a car recklessly, fail to safely h... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
How can the high crime neighborhoods lower their murder rate? Use this super easy 3 step method.
1. Don't murder people.
2. Try raising your kids, rather than letting the criminals on the streets raise them, so you can teach your kids not to murder other people.
3. If you see someone murdering people, tell the police about them so they can be put in jail
The high crime neighborhoods, which are nearly all black neighborhoods, are all about black lives until it's time to talk about them killing other black people. They say that's racist to bring it up just like saying "All Lives Matter".
The people doing the shootings live and breathe a culture of death and irresponsibility. Listen to any of their music and watch how they act every day to find that out if you're a naive moronic libtard reading this. They will always come up with an excuse about why they have to commit heinous crimes because of someone else. Their parents raise them wrong so now they're a cancer on society. They're better off spending their younger lives in prison. There they might have a chance of starting to go to church services or otherwise redeeming themselves rather than end up severely maimed or dead by 30 like most of them.
- They would all be kings and queens in me... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Watch as they make it perfectly clear that the nationwide protests, riots, arson, looting, assaults and murders have been job #1 for Biden 2020 election campaign.
There is obviously a lot of racism in society, however 95% of it is coming from the leftists against white people. It's part of their larger agenda to dismantle this country and replace it with a hellish communist nightmare straight out of 1984. They also hate unity among Americans, Christians, America, capitalism, individual freedoms, heterosexuality and anyone who stands in their way to total power.
I found some proof of systemic racism be...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Many may be wondering why nobody in charge is stopping the riots or arresting people making terror threats like the NFAC. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out how the usual lowlife liars, criminals and other scum who so often float to the top of the government toilet bowls will do what they're told by billionaires giving them money. George Soros and other radical billionaires have bought off lots of people.
If the justice system isn't working, then society itself breaks down, and that's exactly what they want.
Leftist political action committees have...
5 years ago
It's logical to assume that the NFAC int...
5 years ago
Black people and others may be intereste...
5 years ago
This whole thing has gotten way out of c...
5 years ago
Sadly her death is being used as a prop ...
5 years ago
- History proves that government more ofte... 5 years ago
"she happened to be an african-American"...
5 years ago
Using lies to try and push a narrative i...
5 years ago
- It's especially about money for activist... 5 years ago
- https://pjmedia.com/culture/tyler-o-neil... 5 years ago
Using lies to try and push a narrative i...
5 years ago
Sadly her death is being used as a prop ...
5 years ago
This whole thing has gotten way out of c...
5 years ago
Black people and others may be intereste...
5 years ago
It's logical to assume that the NFAC int...
5 years ago
They and their families have to live in ...
5 years ago
- These are radicals not normal people. An... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Ahh, remember the simpler days in 2010-2013 when the media routinely called the TEA Party "terrorists"...Pepperidge Farms remembers.
It's amazing how a 73 year old grandmother holding an American flag in a park can be accused of trying to overthrow the government but a tattooed convicted felon throwing an improvised explosive device at a federal courthouse is a "mostly peaceful demonstrator".
It's because the handful of wealthy peop...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
- Liberal Fake News Media can't stand it w... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
The radical left has added another weapon into their arsenal in the war on police. Just another way for them to perpetuate their lies and hide the truth.
- Countries in a state of civil conflict l... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Democrats haven't changed since 1861, except now they use blacks for politics and subversion, and prefer illegal aliens for farming and maintaining their homes.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

A reliable source from the Democratic National Committee has stated that following the formal dismissal of charges, Mr. Tsarnaev will be vetted by the Biden campaign as a new front-runner as his Vice Presidential running mate.
- Not woke enough. He will be rejected. Wh... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

And leftists have the audacity to call anyone else "nazis".
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Communism doesn't change. NuLu's businesses are currently experiencing something similar to what the victims of Mao Tse Tung's regime experienced. Fanatical woke progressive youth are extorting them to "admit their racism" or face the wrath of the riots and looting to come. Some falsely believe if they kneel and grovel for the left-wing mob, the mob will leave them alone. They only embolden the mob to launch even worse attacks the next time.
Stand up to them, arm yourselves, protect your family and property or else meekly accept the fate these radicals have in store for you. Even if police are unable to protect you, Kalashnikov or Colt will never fail.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Saul Alinski's book was published in 1971. So far, Progressive Democrats have achieved seven of his desired goals. All you have to do is look around and you will see that we are currently in step eight, "class warfare". The presidential election this November will be the final stage of America's transformation into a radical, socialist government. We all are witnessing the end of our republic.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
The system failed him???? What antibiotic thing to claim. How about raise someone to be a decent person, teach them right from wrong and how to not be a fan criminal. What a joke and proof that these woke azz idiots think it is the fault of the police when some fuckzzz up and victimizes others. This and our Mayor claiming he wants police reform for our department when he and his leadership team ran it into the ground will further ruin this city. No wonder all the senior people are bailing. And thinking saying a bunch will come back as rehires. Nope not this time.
- Dear Savannah, The person you should be ... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Revolutionary communist groups are brainwashing kids and young adults using Zoom groups to carry out violent attacks between now and the election. Watch this video.
Peaceful Protesters Wage War Against Every Law Abiding Citizen
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
― Abraham Lincoln
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
If you want to know Louisville's future, look at Detroit's past. As with Louisville, the communist lawyers of the ACLU and NAACP took issue with Detroit using even a relatively small degree force to try to stop the riots, as they have with Louisville.
"After Detroit's 1967 riots, thousands of small businesses closed permanently or relocated to safer neighborhoods, and the affected district lay in ruins for decades. Coleman Young, Detroit's first black mayor, wrote in 1994: "Detroit's losses from the riots went a hell of a lot deeper than the immediate toll of lives and buildings. The riot put Detroit on the fast track to economic desolation, mugging the city and making off with incalculable value in jobs, earnings taxes, corporate taxes, retail dollars, sales taxes, mortgages, interest, property taxes, development dollars, investment dollars, tourism dollars, and plain damn money. The money was carried out in the pockets of the businesses and the people who fled as fast as they could. The white exodus from Detroit had been prodigiously steady prior to the riot, totally twenty-two thousand in 1966, but afterward, it was frantic. In 1967, with less than half the year remaining after the summer explosion, the outward population migration reached sixty-seven thousand. In 1968 the figure hit eighty-thousand, followed by forty-six thousand in 1969"
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

The systemic racism of the BLM movement on full display. Same protestor. Same night. In the above video, he pushes back the line of protestors and escorts one driver safely through their blockade. Then in the below video link, he threatens physical violence on others, casually dining in an Austin restaurant.
- An Antifa gunman at another roadblock in... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
To Sheriff Aubrey, KSP Post 4, Commissioner Brewer, and the federal special agents in charge
It has come to the attention of the citizens of this county that LMPD is unable to fulfill its obligations to protect this community in a professional manner. This is primarily due to political interference from the Mayor and certain members of the metro council sympathetic with far-left protestors and rioters. In case you haven't noticed, these constituents of the Mayor and council members have been terrorizing the citizens and destroying property since May. Last night 30 of them attempted to burn down the courts and none were even detained by LMPD. LMPD had no one in the area of the scene able to respond in a timely manner. An out-of-town black extremist group called NFAC has threatened to burn the city. You are well aware of that threat but, like LMPD, have done nothing
It is therefore incumbent upon you to step up to the plate and assert some leadership. Mayor Fischer has abdicated his responsibilities as Mayor to protect this city. If you fail to then, then next group who citizens will turn to and fully support will be the conservative militia groups. A lot of them will probably pick up a gun themselves.
I would think a few of you might have a problem with that. If so, then this is your limited opportunity to avoid that turn of events.
- They're all happy to sit back collecting... 5 years ago
If the mayor and other top officials are...
5 years ago
I don't expect any of them to do anythin...
5 years ago
- There is a time and place for everything... 5 years ago
I don't expect any of them to do anythin...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

If a department is encouraging criminals like this, and telling citizens they just need to surrender to the ass-rape of the armed mob, then you're not really law enforcement. You're a coward wearing a bib and kneepads like your mayor.
It's only rational to expect scared citizens to give criminals anything they want in the mind of a scared white democrat and some of the dumber criminals out there. The smarter criminals know they'll probably get killed if they go doing what the stupid ones are already doing. If society continues down this road, we will have routine vigilantism. People will quit calling police at all or cooperating with investigations. If you want a sneak preview of what this looks like, then watch some movies about any of the countries where ethnic conflicts have happened over the years. It's not pretty.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Don't mind any Tony Montoya cosplayers with south Florida tags if you see them. They are here to help bring diversity to the conversation.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Anyone else find it interesting that Jess and Schroeder will not speak to the council???? They know they have two possible avenues lie so they can protect the Mayor or tell the truth which will burn them and the mayor. They would or will choose the first option because they are weak and pathetic just like the mayor.
- That was them taking the 5th on the advi... 5 years ago
The reason they refused to speak is they...
5 years ago
Democrats resisters will do anything to ...
5 years ago
Democrats resisters will do anything to ...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
There's no legitimate reason to take 6 months to pick the next chief. Neither the Mayor nor the people helping him, like the academics, community groups or racebaiting grifter activists are smart enough to do anything productive with 6 months of time. The last chief they picked using this process was the worst chief in Louisville and Jefferson County history.
Here's how you do it, Greg. You review the resumes that are submitted. You have the merit board members take a look and score each one from 1 to 10. Then you have the members spend 1 day talking about why they scored them as they did and vote on the top 3.
When you have the top 3, you send the list to the metro council and let them vote on the top 2. Then you hire from the top unless there's an obvious problem that everyone else missed. If they did, I seriously doubt you'll catch it, so don't worry about that too much.
Total time required: 1 week
Greg Fischer's never had a real chief un...
5 years ago
- The plutocratic hierarchy is the root ca... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Publuk skuul teechers dont teech much ejakashun
They teach radicalization
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
No fear BLM and Antifa will get the city violence under control. All while Fischer, Hess and Schroeder hide under their desks. Hess and Schroeder not testifying is laughable. They know they will get caught lying and do not want to lose their jobs. Guarantee you our benevolent Chief is losing or not sleeping at all. Trying to decide if he can avoid telling the truth. Never once did anyone see him or any of the front office idiots standing a line.
5 shooting victims, 3 of whom died. All ...
5 years ago
That's just minority youth acting out be...
5 years ago
They need to watch some old Cosby Show r...
5 years ago
Their school teachers, politicians and t...
5 years ago
- It is not DOCJT, it is KLEC. 5 years ago
Their school teachers, politicians and t...
5 years ago
They need to watch some old Cosby Show r...
5 years ago
Yeah, 6 shot, 3 dead the day before and ...
5 years ago
BLM wants to recruit some more violent c...
5 years ago
About those white groups. They've been p...
5 years ago
Then there is this crap. Fischer, Chief ...
5 years ago
- BLM and all the protestors together are ... 5 years ago
Fischer's always been too afraid of losi...
5 years ago
Fischer's political base had bandannas b...
5 years ago
Fischer's political base had bandannas b...
5 years ago
What BLM is doing to the NuLu businesses...
5 years ago
- Tony Montoya and his little friend will ... 5 years ago
Then there is this crap. Fischer, Chief ...
5 years ago
About those white groups. They've been p...
5 years ago
These BLM-Louisville "activists" are get...
5 years ago
Almost everything BLM does always comes ...
5 years ago
- The IRS could nail them easily but the f... 5 years ago
Almost everything BLM does always comes ...
5 years ago
BLM wants to recruit some more violent c...
5 years ago
That's just minority youth acting out be...
5 years ago
5 years ago
Few officers are going to talk to PSU or...
5 years ago
- The officers of LMPD no longer report to... 5 years ago
Few officers are going to talk to PSU or...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Carjackings up from 14 to 58 from the same 2 month period last year.
McKinley's right in saying you shouldn't try to pull your gun when they have a gun pointed at you. However, that changes when they take their eyes off you. That's when people should be told to start killing these carjackers dead. Once enough of them go home in bodybags, the criminals may have 2nd thoughts. It's either the criminals or the good people. Kill or be killed is what society has turned into. These criminals are nothing but bad seeds who will kill someone eventually.
This is not meant to be legal advice. Consult your attorney before killing a carjacker dead.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Drug and gang enforcement report card for the entire Fischer administration:
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

The masks are coming off.
Radical, Marxist Attorneys General are now openly trying to disarm law abiding Americans. I'm positive the individuals pictured above are not included in her planned agenda. Antifa and groups like NFAC are the new foot soldiers of the Progressive Democrats.
- Democrats are playing the same game play... 5 years ago
If LMPD had any competent leadership, wh...
5 years ago
The anti-government organizations are at...
5 years ago
Law enforcement has been rendered ineffe...
5 years ago
Obama has led the rebel democrat governm...
5 years ago
Obama has led the rebel democrat governm...
5 years ago
- https://www.projectveritas.com/news/brea... 5 years ago
Law enforcement has been rendered ineffe...
5 years ago
The anti-government organizations are at...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
18 U.S. Code § 2331. Terrorism: activities that--
(A) involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended-- (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping
KRS 431.005 (6) A private person may mak...
5 years ago
- 18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthro... 5 years ago
- 18 U.S. Code § 2383. Rebellion or insurr... 5 years ago
- 18 U.S. Code § 2384. Seditious conspirac... 5 years ago
- 18 U.S. Code § 2101. Riots (a) Whoever t... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
There is no police genocide of black people. It is a lie pushed by marxist front-groups funded by wealthy kooks intent on bringing down America.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
LMPD and FBI too afraid of politics to arrest anyone for extorting Nulu's businesses. None should mind when they turn to others for protection or retribution against those who destroy their property. Anarchy doesn't always work in the favor of the left.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Grandmaster Jay is inviting all black people to come to Louisville to an location to be named later to visit a plague on Louisville. He talks about how it's going to be a pleasure to kill people on his hit list. He talks about how Louisville has rolled out the red carpet for them because Metro knows he's formidable.
When you clusterf-cktards in charge of Louisville lose control of the situation, just stand aside as both quiet and not so quiet professionals take over.
Low energy low testosterone weaklings, l...
5 years ago
The only agencies actually doing anythin...
5 years ago
- They claimed they refused to testify bec... 5 years ago
The only agencies actually doing anythin...
5 years ago
Nobody is in charge apparently. Not the ...
5 years ago
5 years ago
- Federal law defines rioting as a felony ... 5 years ago
The Castle doctrine allows the use of de...
5 years ago
It's even more shameful that Mayor Fisch...
5 years ago
- LMPD has lost the confidence of the law ... 5 years ago
5 years ago
Not sure what in the hell Grandmaster Fl...
5 years ago
He's been talking about revolution and b...
5 years ago
- If Louisville Metro were so sinister as ... 5 years ago
He is a fuckzing piece of shizz idiot pa...
5 years ago
Democrats won't win the Mayor's office f...
5 years ago
- Here's why Fischer had such an easy time... 5 years ago
Democrats won't win the Mayor's office f...
5 years ago
- Yep, I've said that all along...nobody g... 5 years ago
He's been talking about revolution and b...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
4 shootings, 2 deceased gunshot victims. Just a normal Saturday in Louisville.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

- What set off the dynamite was the city b... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Welcome to little Chicago folks. But of course this violence will be blamed on a pandemic. Still crickets from the Mayor, Jess and our weak police administration. Hell, guess they are waiting for the next police chief to come in and right the ship.
The shooters are mostly godless heathen ...
5 years ago
- You're exactly right. It's a horrible cy... 5 years ago
3 murder victims on Monday. If 2X's numb...
5 years ago
He certainly will not. Greg Fischer and ...
5 years ago
5 years ago
Society is turning into a horror film "O...
4 years ago
Society is turning into a horror film "O...
4 years ago
5 years ago
He certainly will not. Greg Fischer and ...
5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Coming soon to a shopping center near you.
America's hottest new reality game show ...
5 years ago
The acronym BLM has quickly come to repr...
5 years ago
- Here's what one black male commentator h... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Black Lives Matter lynch mob shows up at an officer's residence and fires shots into the home while his girlfriend and children are inside. This has never been about justice. BLM/Antifa/NFAC have made their intentions clear and are following through with their threats of bringing the fight to your doorstep.
- The leftist groups have been planning to... 5 years ago
- There should be a bunch of dead BLM terr... 5 years ago
NFAC's leader is certainly a militant bl...
4 years ago
The irony is completely lost on these bl...
4 years ago
Leftist groups get tactics from the same...
4 years ago
- Someone should ask Grandmaster Jay Johns... 4 years ago
Leftist groups get tactics from the same...
4 years ago
The irony is completely lost on these bl...
4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Read below: Someone tell us that both Fischer and Halliday do not sound like the idiots that they are. NEWS FLASH....Mayor this city has steadily fell into the abyss of murders and violence since you came into office. Talking the bullshitz of the community involvement to stamp it out. Same broken b.s.every time you idiot. You are personally responsible for the wreck of the century. Holliday saying what she is saying is bullshitz too. Never been trust between scu m that rob, rape or murder and the police. Another broken record spouted by her idiot as s and the chiefs office. Criminals do not witness shitz. Also the good honest and decent people do not witness this shots either. They try to work and live in peace and if they did witness the shots who could blame them for not talkimg. Hell they are living in fear because of this mayors failed job which is sad enouh.
Twelve dead in just the first 10 days of August pushed Louisville's homicide number to 93, surpassing the total for all of 2019. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer described Louisville's continuing trend of deadly violence as "very alarming."
"We need families involved and the community involved to come together to help stamp out violence. At the end of the day it's a community response," Fischer said as he called on parents to help.
"If your son, it's usually guys that are involved with this, has an illegal weapon or a weapon, know that this is a heightened time of tension in the city that leads to the shootings and homicides that we're seeing."
Louisville Metro Police Department spokeswoman Jessie Halladay released a statement that in part blamed the violence on "...a lack of trust between police and some of those they serve right now, which results in less information sharing from victims and witnesses. But we absolutely need that help to address this spike in violence, and we must find a way to work together."
- To solve a homicide without an admission... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
There is a certain percentage of people in this country who want nothing but chaos, disorder and upheaval in society. They don't care how many die or how many are put out of business or a job by riots. They only care about their radical world views and that the ends justify the means.
The city should not just fight these allegations. They should countersue the groups behind these lawsuits, their donors and the individuals participating in the destruction of property and economic activity in Louisville.
The city must hire a top law firm to sue them for the full amount of damages they have caused. Do not cease fighting them in court until these radical @ssholes are living in cardboard boxes under a bridge.
- If the Mayor, his lawyers and the County... 5 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Black Lives Madder
Just did a search. Not one mention on AB...
4 years ago
- Unfuckingbelievable. 4 years ago
- Google maintains an internal database of... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

If you're tired of censorship, here are some alternatives on the right side of the picture.
The well known companies on the left side of the figure are all based on San Francisco, California, which is a big reason why they censor conservatives.
There are 3 Republicans in San Francisco. They're all 3 in the same car and got off at the wrong highway exit.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Everyone assaulted and every business victimized should ban together and she this weak azz Mayor for what he and his weak leaders allowed to happen. While the metro council bullshitz along with their investigation that will allow this idiot Mayor to finish his term we continue to be victimized. Every damn person knows and every officer knows the Mayor ordered a stand down for weeks of LMPD. Why do you think those officers walked out on his weak azz and turn their backs on Hess and Schroeder. Why is it the council cannot see this plain as day and relieve us of his idiocy? They have the info and enough to do it but continue with the farce of an investigation. Simply put they talk a tough game but are afraid to take action.
- They're hoping to drag it out so Fischer... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
This county and metro government are full of corrupt and incompetent people. We can't even trust elected judges in this county. It figures that it would be a judge like Eckerle who aligns herself with the side of unaccountable authoritarian rule in Louisville by interfering with the metro council subpoena.
Not even a month ago, she sent a woman to jail because she allegedly "unleashed an expletive-laded, abusive language to the court". The video shows no such thing happened. The woman only said "I don't know how yall sleep at night." The woman was released from jail by the Court of Appeals.
- Metro is run by corrupt autocrats who mi... 4 years ago
There are dozens of other LMPD retirees ...
4 years ago
"Their inability to lead or maintain any...
4 years ago
"Their inability to lead or maintain any...
4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
This photo shows 19 shots were fired at the man shot in the Kroger parking lot on S. 3rd St. at 5:00pm. This is within walking distance of Churchill downs. It is abundantly clear that violent crime happens there even on a good day in broad daylight.
Someone please explain how LMPD will be able to handle security for Rich People Derby, while also dealing with the protests and the crimewave happening in Louisville as the department is far below minimum manning in most divisions. The public would be outraged if they knew how few officers are on the streets in their neighborhoods right now.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Louisville now has a large NFAC black militia chapter according to their leader. Everyone be sure to say high to the gun toting black uniformed militia on the streets. The street gangs they came from will obviously not have a hard time finding replacements.
It will be a major economic boost for Louisville gun stores. This is truly possibility city. Nobody else had the vision necessary to turn a low crime city into a big time high crime gangland warzone with rioting leftist revolutionaries and black separatist militias threatening to burn the city to ashes.
- thank god for mayor no nuts 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Sadly, we will have to endure 2 more years with This idiot Mayor and his weak leadership team. Jess doing his bidding on the explorer case, and Schroeder just simply weak as our Chief. Why do you ask????? We have a weak and apathetic Metro council with supposed leaders who have all talked a tough game but gonna do nothing. The Reps are few, and the Dems will tow the party line. Do not be fooled with their sham case against Fischer, Hess or Schroeder as they will do nothing but drag it out for his term. Don't think they have enough??? Thinks again, the explorer cover up, the increased crime and chaos, the mismanagement of funds and paying people for do nothing jobs like that neighborhood office of rasheem and Vincent James. Violence interruptors, stand down orders(just ask the officers what they were told). Brennan Taylor investigation and his targeting on Elliott. We are doomed for the next 2 years and then....there will be people who have played the racist pandering game like Corey Booker who will run on a platform full of B.S. Not intended for collective togetherness for the entire city. He will knock out the dreams of people like David James, and that crazy council woman Barbara Smith. God help us all and especially we at LMPD who will never get the leadership needed.
Louisville Metro began as an interesting...
4 years ago
They should go further than that and div...
4 years ago
They should go further than that and div...
4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Black Lives Madder
- https://summit.news/2020/08/13/leftist-5... 4 years ago
- https://summit.news/2020/07/13/blm-suppo... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

Officers should use alternative social media if they want to avoid getting turned in for your comments like several have been already
Facebook, Google, Youtube and Twitter know from their tracking cookies and sites visited if you're law enforcement. They track you across the internet and not just on their site. Their woke progressive San Francisco-based virtual speech monitors are quick to turn you in to your employer if they see anything fitting their definition of hate speech, which is left-wing politically biased and includes far more than actual hate speech. They often give departments access to your information without even requiring a warrant.
Retirees can disregard and continue annoying the hell out of the San Francisco idiots, at least until they get banned. It's still nice to see some intelligent non-censored opinions on the internet on occasion.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Simply put, Fischer and yes Conrad for what it is worth as bad as Abramson was and former Chief White. They were handed a city and department on the rise both with huge potential. Instead they methodically destroyed that potential, disengaged not only the officers but the community. Fischer diverted and wasted money yearly on b.s. Community peojects, paid off so called faith leaders to speak good about him and lmpd then hired one to run his office of community safe neighborhoods. Ask yourselves where have they been in all this mess???? Silent when they should be out front quelling the riots and violence. Why are they not??? Because they never were engaged or know the community. All the while lmpd and the fake peace walks we went on, running off the real police leaders we had for the crew we have in charge of us now. Not sure who the next chief will be but we can rest assured they will not be a leader that can stop this crap.
- Abramson was a spineless weak Mayor who ... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Why does the Metro council allow the department to never report crime statistics like the numbers of murders to the public? Why do they allow the department to lie about what the crimes even were, like calling the 40th st kidnapping-murder a robbery gone bad?
I'll tell you why. It's because they're all on the same page as command and the mayor. The citizens should wake up and realize they're being lied to about everything, from the Taylor warrant to who shot her and how, to the black-on-white violent crime wave happening right now, to their lack of preparedness for if one of the radical groups decides to really get violent and start burning the city.
The people have been sleepwalking their way through life as the pack of liars downtown has covered up one thing after another. Now their coverups have led to anarchy, the erasure of downtown Louisville and mass violence on the streets. They've failed to make a single correct decision in the last 8 years. God help this city if people don't take it back from these morons and hand the reigns to someone actually competent.
- People can put on uniforms or suits and ... 4 years ago
"Robbery gone bad." When does a robbery ...
4 years ago
Most people across America are ready to ...
4 years ago
Wow. Fischer is so unbelievably full of ...
4 years ago
- He's hired 2 different security services... 4 years ago
Wow. Fischer is so unbelievably full of ...
4 years ago
Most people across America are ready to ...
4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
The Mayor is a damn joke. Talking about police legitmacy???? How about the damn constitution and the rule of law that legitimizes the police and the need for law and order. Wants to reform the LMPD that has been under his rule for how long now? Metro Council DO YOUR DAMN JOB!!!!! Fischer created this cesspool that is victimizing us all except his rich friends in the highlands. P.s. Good job voters of council district 4. You get what you pay for in this idiot who supports violent crime and racism.
I know a lot of people who normally don'...
4 years ago
The average person is at a loss to under...
4 years ago
- Vote Republican and vote often. 4 years ago
- The people in that video went to a lot o... 4 years ago
- Kinetic > Cyber 4 years ago
Kinetic > Cyber
4 years ago
The average person is at a loss to under...
4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Be well prepared for when a mob of criminals, druggies and psychos calling themselves activists show up at your house.
BLM has caused the biggest racial divide...
4 years ago
- Absolutely agree. We're going backwards. 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
BLM finally punched somebody who punches back. You can tell they don't have much respect for the right to protest, since that's when they started throwing punches. It's guaranteed the ACLU won't be suing BLM for doing so either. Many white liberal politicians and lawyers have a soft spot for BLM, since their and friends' kids are members.
This video has a better view. BLM came r...
4 years ago
- And the police are the problem?.?.?. Fuc... 4 years ago
- Wow, what a mess. I'm glad I can sit bac... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Whites, blacks and hispanics alike have been betrayed by their politicians and political lackeys in charge of law enforcement. Take 1 look around at all the murder and mayhem they are encouraging by failing to take any actions to stop society's worst 2% of people from destroying our country.
The politicians don't care that young children are being murdered. They don't care that people are being shot randomly in the streets by these maniacs. They sit in their offices and cry fake crocodile tears and pretend they're going to do something. They never are. We have been betrayed. This is made obvious by their repeated failures to do anything to stop the violence and the riots.
It's time for the good citizens of all colors to rise up and take their streets back on the long hard road to taking this country back. If we don't do it, then our children and grandchildren will live their lives in a hell on earth created and run by the worst 2% of society.
- Armed Neighborhood Patrols: The Future O... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
What needs to happen is police disappear...
4 years ago
I refer, of course, only to community-ba...
4 years ago
- p.s. let people know when you switch off... 4 years ago
I refer, of course, only to community-ba...
4 years ago
- We just need to do is make a quick chang... 4 years ago
http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=389664 'T...
4 years ago
- BLM's "peaceful protesters" are the naiv... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
The below news article while exactly what Louisville needs is to get rid of the single most worst, spineless, could care less about the average or poor people in Louisville mayor of our lifetime. If you are not from Fischers highland neighborhood or part of his upper crust crew then he gives a shitz less. Too many die-hard idiots who will never vote this idiot out and too many are spineless. That vampire council woman Sexton Smith is one of Fischer cronies and part of his elitist puppets. You will never see her amongst her voters. Meanwhile in other news 2 more dead and two critical after a shooting in Newcut road which used to be a traditionally nice area of town. WELCOME to Greggys LOUISVILLE. 98 or 99 murders and counting. Since Fischer got in power our city has went from an average of what maybe 35 to 40 murders a year to something like 70 to 75 a year. The mayor's new normal folks.
- NEWFLASH: Mayor McIdiot. This is not a p... 4 years ago
- The tide has shifted against Fischer. On... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Quit lying to the public, Schroeder. You should be warning people about who these people are not pretending you don't know.
- Who are they? 4 years ago
Are you saying that random motorists are...
4 years ago
- Of it is true that the shooting on 264 a... 4 years ago
Homicide's press conference was thorough...
4 years ago
- None of these people would have made Lt ... 4 years ago
- Last Names Matter! 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
"Burbrink added a lack of conflict-resolution skills has turned arguments into shootings"
Here's a little gang training for people who never had any. Conflict resolution has nothing to do with gang members killing each other. While I appreciate he's not allowed to talk about gangs for fear of being sent back to patrol, he should at least acknowledge the problem.
Gangs are the source of most murders here and only anti-gang efforts will stop them. Reactive investigations will only ever be the icing on the cake of effective law enforcement.
Kim Burbrink is worthless just like her ...
4 years ago
She's been protected by Conrad's people ...
4 years ago
- Conrad and his clique of former LPD are ... 4 years ago
PIO telling the lie that Hankison works ...
4 years ago
- They have the right to remain silent, bu... 4 years ago
- The so-called Criminal Interdiction unit... 4 years ago
She's been protected by Conrad's people ...
4 years ago
The Cake of Effective Law Enforcement
4 years ago
News spoke too soon. 101 and 4 and a hal...
4 years ago
- There's no recall election possible in K... 4 years ago
News spoke too soon. 101 and 4 and a hal...
4 years ago
- He's incapable of clearing a rumor when ... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
I've finally figured this all out.
Throughout history, whenever tyrants wanted to justify their taking more power and rights from their citizens, they would permit disorder and violence to happen. Every time I turn on the TV, there is some pundit or billionaire talking about how all of the regular people are racist and should have their guns taken away. They think we are scum off the bottom of their shoe.
Greg Fischer is a pawn in all of this, but he is carrying out their agenda. What made it totally obvious is the democrats nomminating Kamala Harris, who is nothing less than a tyrant-in-waiting. Look at her record as a prosecutor putting people in prison for marijuana. There's not a privately owned gun in this country she won't seize. Then they will have total power, because if you step out of line, they can just send Antifa and BLM to beat you or firebomb your home and you're defenseless.
The 3 percenters are right about the democrats.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Coward Greg Fischer and his servile minions appease the racist white-hating mob as they destroy the future of Louisville. Over 300 businesses closed in 3 months while looting racist white-hating communists riot and destroy the city.
Not 1 arrest for a hate crime either. Everyone is too busy trying to arrest police to arrest violent criminals or terrorists threatening an entire city. Can't possibly work more than 1 case at a time if they want to make it to happy hour for their 6 beers after work.
Liberalism is a mental disorder exploite...
4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
Here's David James proving he's part of the problem. He was police and knows that Fischer is who ordered the department to stand down against gangs for the last 10 years, just as he ordered the stand down against the rioters. Fischer is the stand down mayor because he's a spineless weakling milquetoast afraid of his own shadow. David James knows that it took 10 years of weak policing ordered by Fischer through Conrad to get us to where we are today. We have a city where gangs are completely unafraid of police arresting them as they shoot at each other all over town. Police are a non-factor in the mind of the gangs. Fischer got us here and now David James is blocking Louisville from removing Fischer so LMPD can begin stopping the violence.
The blood of all these victims is on their hands, just as much as it's on the hands of the shooters.
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...

I wonder when LeBron will be wearing a custom made hat with Roberto Lopez's name on it?
- The judges and prosecutors won't keep an... 4 years ago
3 Black militia members injured in negligent gun discharge, may...
No stop signs
Speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel
Gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me around
Now you're messin' with a A son of a bit...
4 years ago
Yes, I was burned but I call it a lesson...
4 years ago
Move, *****! Get out the way Get out the...
4 years ago
I've had enough of the falseness Of a wo...
4 years ago