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Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,' not guardians, experts say


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Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 19th, 2020 @ 2:48PM (4 years ago)
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"If you train police like soldiers, dress them like soldiers and equip them like soldiers, we cannot be surprised when they act like soldiers,"

If mobs of citizens train in tactics of terrorists, dress in black uniforms like terrorists and equip themselves with the weapons of terrorists, we cannot be surprised when they act like terrorists.

-There...I fixed that for you. You see, it works both ways.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 19th, 2020 @ 11:24PM (4 years ago)

Do these "experts" not realize that the streets of America are becoming increasingly more dangerous? Violent crime rates currently are the highest since the 1970s. Why would we not want our police officers to be properly trained and mentally prepared to respond to the violent situations they most definitely will encounter? Police departments need to be able to attract and recruit candidates who are psychologically able to break through the mental barriers and put fear aside, so that they can do what is necessary to protect both themselves and the public whom they are sworn to protect. If we are no longer able to do that, we might as well just start giving out badges and arrest powers to social workers, victims' advocates, and crisis counselors. We'll wish them godspeed, pray that they'll safely return home to their families after every shift and hope they don't get killed out there while trying to perform the duties that were once carried out by well-trained police officers.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 20th, 2020 @ 2:24AM (4 years ago)

One of the enlightened people who gave comments in this C-J article said that a recruitment video depicting a forced entry is "tone deaf" in light of the Briana T. incident.

I think it's even more tone deaf that some individuals are allowing dope dealers to stash illegal drugs inside their apartment, in spite of the fact that hundreds of Louisville residents die every year as a result of drug overdoses.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 21st, 2020 @ 6:27PM (4 years ago)

Greg Fischer finally found some tourists willing to visit the city his voters have ruined. If they or their rioter friends start beating or killing people, we shouldn't be too surprised by all the fun people who show up not long afterwards in response.


Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 22nd, 2020 @ 7:02PM (4 years ago)

Who in their right mind can believe Fischer or Beshear on this covid bullshiz? They are blatantly falsifying numbers, bad positives and outright threatening people again with shutdowns. If I was a small business owner or bar owner i would tell them to f&$$ off. Purposely destroying people's livelihoods while letting protesters continue to root and allowing a b.s. Group come in armed. Dang Louisville and Kentucky needs to wake up.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 24th, 2020 @ 7:17AM (4 years ago)

The Mayor is a joke and an outright idiot. Calling for police reform when he has been the Mayor for 10 dang years. Laying blame on the attorney General on the Taylor case when it is obvious he made LMPD slow walk her case and why is it up to attorney General to investigate should they not make the decision. Or is it because he wants to deflect blame and hide his involvement by targeting Elliot avenue. Bottom line protests should be outside this mayors house for ruining the police department and now calling for reforms. Good luck finding a chief too that will walk into this shizz show.


Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 24th, 2020 @ 1:28PM (4 years ago)
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"Let me be very clear. I can't tell the future. I don't know what Daniel Cameron is going to come out and say. I don't know what protesters are going to do. If you are that concerned about your business, then put boards up. But don't be naive enough to believe that those boards are going to hide the fact that you don't hire black people. Those boards aren't going to hide the fact that you don't carry black products. Those boards don't hide the fact that you aren't very welcoming to black people in your business. You can put boards up all day long but they do not hide racism. Your board's going to product your glass, but it won't protect (you)"

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 25th, 2020 @ 9:32AM (4 years ago)
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This is every Democrat Mayor and Governor with riots

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 25th, 2020 @ 9:39AM (4 years ago)
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There's only 1 answer to all of this. An exchange of people with China. China may even be able to force them to hold a productive full time job instead of full time activism, unlike our society.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 25th, 2020 @ 10:27AM (4 years ago)

Here it is. The almighty idiot Mayor of Louisville proving that it is only a pandemic for law abiding citizens. Protest and riot and no mask required and a pandemic is no more. No quarantine for our of downers either. Fischer and Beshear are classic fugging idiots and pieces of shizz period. Where is anyone from the Chief of chiefs office voicing any opposition. Oh thar s right weaklings as well. But..if this mostly hoax virus is so bad the officers should be revolting or sue the Mayor, Schroeder and Governor for this bulls$&t. On a new more of you do not think that new council guy Arthur is a racist you are on crack. The guy is flat out one and telling people and business owners let them duck up your property. We can get Cocos funds to rebuild your ****. Welcome to Louisville these are the people ya voted for.


Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 25th, 2020 @ 1:29PM (4 years ago)


-That didn't take long

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 25th, 2020 @ 11:14PM (4 years ago)

Keep calm. The taxpayer will pay for it all.


Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 25th, 2020 @ 11:14PM (4 years ago)
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Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 26th, 2020 @ 11:59AM (4 years ago)

NFAC talked the sh!t

NFAC showed up

NFAC started shooting.....at each other

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 26th, 2020 @ 12:08PM (4 years ago)

Then there's this, which echoed much of the threatening propaganda that was heard at the NULU riot this week about hurting & killing white children:


Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 26th, 2020 @ 7:56PM (4 years ago)

Here's all the threats in 1 video. I know there are some nervous overpaid housecats hoping nobody remembers he said any of this. They don't want have to contradict Fischer's specific instructions to give him blanket immunity to all crimes in the name of politics. It might make people think they're corrupt political wh0rez.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 27th, 2020 @ 7:05AM (4 years ago)

Yesterday was another violent Sunday in Louisville. Eight shooting victims, two of whom died. So Mayor, what is the game plan? Your idiotic policy changes that you initiated last summer don't seem to be working so well. It's had quite the opposite effect and has made the violence in this city even worse. Where are we at now on murders for 2020, almost 80 or so? And it's only July, with another five months still left to go. It's time to stop playing around, and start allowing the police department to do its job.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

July 27th, 2020 @ 10:34AM (4 years ago)
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We must stop the communist revolution. It is time we set aside our differences among fellow patriots and unify with them to put an end to the scourge sweeping our country.

Louisville police recruiting video lures 'action-movie heroes,...

August 24th, 2020 @ 11:49AM (4 years ago)

This is an absolute joke