LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

1 dead after LMPD officers, National Guard shot at while attempting to disperse crowd


RE: 1 dead after LMPD officers, National Guard shot at while...

June 20th, 2020 @ 8:22AM (4 years ago)

That may be true, but all the ghetto garbage deal and use drugs. Why bother? Those people will never become productive human beings. Now tbose officers careers are ruined.

The only thing police need to do is protect the good decent people of society from the predators. Police are the buffer between them and the good people. Forget trying to fix the ghetto. Won't ever happen because that's how they want it. This isn't the first violent ghetto people uprising agitated by crazy whites. There is only so much appeasement can do. The violent thugs and crazy whites will continue until they are locked away.