LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Facts: What we know about the shooting death of Breonna Taylor


RE: Facts: What we know about the shooting death of Breonna Taylor...

May 14th, 2020 @ 10:55AM (5 years ago)

Narcotics once served a purpose a long time ago but that ended around the time when the corrupt JCPD detectives were framing people. You saw recently how they took a few liberties with their overtime. It's reasonable to believe that the years in between those 2 events had a few illegalities along the way too.

There's still some good work being done but it's despite how LMPD is organized and led, not because of it. The only cases needing to be centralized are task force cases. Those detectives don't need multiple layers at LMPD above them. They work for the feds on a day to day basis. The others could and should be getting better supervision, which 8 division majors have a better chance of giving than 1 boss.

RE: Facts: What we know about the shooting death of Breonna Taylor...

May 14th, 2020 @ 11:11AM (5 years ago)
Posted by: Unknown

Someone sounds jealous?

RE: Facts: What we know about the shooting death of Breonna Taylor...

May 14th, 2020 @ 2:39PM (5 years ago)

Everyone above them to the Chief should be suspended. All of them failed to properly supervise the officers when they got a no knock warrant and failed to call it off when other officers arrested the suspect they were seeking. They failed to use lower risk warrant service methods instead of a high risk no knock warrant. They also failed to follow department policy for high risk warrant service being handled by SWAT. They contradicted themselves on the paperwork afterwards when they charged the dude after writing that the woman shot at them. PIU and PSU had plenty time to get everyones' statements and make a determination that the Chief could have used to take action before this lawsuit was publicly filed. Instead, the Chief and his people pretended the facts weren't in question.

The Mayor has had plenty chances to unload this unqualified Chief. If he doesn't do so now, then we can only assume that he's either a moron or being blackmailed.